Chapter 10

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Drawing design belongs to the original artist, not me! Now on with the story!
(Polka's P.O.V.)

I open my eyes and find myself in a Different room on a different bed, it sit up and looked around, I wasn't gonna lie, I actually like the whole set of this place. Whoever decorated this room did a very good job on it. I noticed that was a black box with a red colored ribbon with a red note on it, I open the note to see what it says.

Note: Put this dress on and go and look outside near the windows for me, I'll be able to see and explain everything to you as soon as I show up.


The note was written neatly with black ink on it, I felt myself smile a bit for some reason and I look down at the box and I gently remove the ribbon without ripping it apart. I open the box and looked inside and saw a outfit that made my eyes go wide in shock. It was one of my design dresses that I had made a very very very very long time ago. I soon felt confusion hit me but I only let it a small sigh, knowing that I won't be able to get any answers. At least not right now anyways. I soon got dressed in the outfit and redid my hair in its original hairstyle of braided pigtails and soon look around the room and notice the furniture that was placed around here and smiled seeing a lot of books. 

'Maybe I can ask if they have a library. I can actually go and look at some more books!' 

I was practically squealing internally in my head from excitement. I really like reading books whenever I feel a bit down, so this means I'm actually going to have a good time around here! I soon head out of the room and see the windows and sees that there was a window with the full moon shining down from the sky. I walk closer to the light and looked up at the sky and saw that there were no stars out in the night sky.

'Wow......the moon looks so pretty.....'

I thought as I look at it, not knowing that someone was behind me, staring at me like I was brought to live from a canvas painting. I sense who was behind me and turned around and looked at them, my eyes being covered halfway due to my bangs.

And when I turned around, I saw that it was the same skeleton from  my dream, the one that was all black and had only one blue cyan colored eye.

I blinked in surprise when I saw a navy blue blush across his face. He suddenly starts to smile at me warmly and teleports in front of me and suddenly grabs my chin with his hand, my eyes go wide in shock and surprise.  He chuckles at my surprised expression and suddenly, I feel his tentacle stroke my cheek gently.   

"It's good to see that you're awake~" He says to me and I blush darkly at his words. I stare at him curiously and confusingly though, wondering how in the world I was brought here. That was when I remembered the note that was in the room and soon decided to ask him.

"Are you N.M?"  

I see him nod his head at me and feel him pull me closer to him thanks to his tentacles. "Yes. But you can just call me Nightmare. I am the king of all nightmares."

'King of all nightmares....why do i feel like I heard of him before...I honestly don't remember....' 

I sighed suddenly feel him cup my chin gently and feel him lift it up, making me look up at him. "You must be wondering why you are here now, aren't you?" I nodded my head. "Well. You see, your still not actually awake, but this is a place where I created so that way we can talk to you at any time we like once you are asleep." 

I blinked in confusion.


"Look behind ya sweetheart~" 

I freeze and as a new voice had told me from behind, I did turn around but freeze when I saw more skeletons. They didn't look very friendly, but it didn't matter to me anyways. Besides, judging by the ways they look and the way they're appearance shows, I can tell that some of them used to have been kind and had happiness once upon a time. Especially the skeleton that was holding the axe and had blood all over himself. I instantly knew that he was the one that told me to turn around. I suddenly feel Nightmare wrap his arms around my waist and felt him place his chin on my shoulder.

"Welcome to my castle, and your future home, my beautiful moon light~"

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