Chapter 3

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Polka wipes the last of her tears away as she holds Edge's hand. No one knows why, but she seemed like after the incident with Swapfell, she wouldn't let go of Edge, not that Edge actually mind, he started to actually feel attached to Polka really fast, though he wasn't the only skeleton who feels the same way. The other Sanses and (some) Papyruses feel the same way, but that didn't stop Edge from keeping the human girl as close to him as possible. He was holding Polka's hand tightly, but too tightly to hurt her, he notices Swapfell Sans looking over at her but he quickly looked away when Edge smirked at him and his right eye started to blaze, that never happens before, but it only does when he is really really really mad, or when he was about to go into a giant rage, but he's never raged before so it was clear that Swapfell would have been both shocked and scared of this, so he looks away while sweat started to appear on his head. Edge manages to hold back a chuckle while he looks at Polka, who was looking down at the ground nervously. Edge frowns sadly and his right pinprick dies down it's glow. Edge moves his hand up to Polka's shoulder and rubs it in reassurance. Polka tense up at first but soon relaxes as she feels warmth coming from Edge's hand. She smiles a tiny smile but it soon quickly fades, she was hoping that Edge didn't see but unluckily for her, he did, he was shocked at first and was trying to hold back his own smile. He felt something fuzzy and warm fill up in his soul 'No way...there is no fucking way that I'm...' He tries to counter the new found feelings with his thoughts but they still couldn't work. The feeling was still there in his soul, Edge was silently cursing at himself in his mind for feeling like this, and thinking about it now, he realizes how much of a big softy he is becoming around the new human girl, he blushes darkly and looks away but glanced at Polka from time to time. And he still doesn't let go of her hand. 'Well fuck it,' he thought to himself, 'guess I'm in love with a human.' he thought, suddenly, the moment when he glanced at Polka again, his sockets go wide in shock.

Polka was gone, and the only thing left behind was the red choker bell.


"Edge relax, Polka's fine."

(Polka's P.O.V. (Still in narration)
Polka couldn't understand what was going on anymore, first thing she knew, she was walking down the hall with the others while holding Edge's hand, but the next minute she blinked, she was in a giant golden chamber/hall filled with a sea full of golden flowers and roses. There was a red carpet path and Polka walked on the path and she soon walks towards to the window that was in the corner of the room.

*Polka steps into the sea of golden roses*

*Polka finds herself drowning in them*

Polka's eyes go wide in fear, she wanted to scream but she couldn't. She suddenly feels some wrap their arms around her waist, she opens her eyes again and finds herself in a garden full of golden roses and other flowers. She shivers in fear at who was touching her but calms down a little to see that she was sitting on Carrots lap, who had his chin placed on the top of Polka's head. Polka let's out a small sigh of relief and notices that Blueberry was right next to his paps while sitting down on the nice soft grass. "HELLO HUMAN!!!" Blueberry says as he moves closer to Polka, making the chocolate brunet feel a bit uneasy. Carrot notices this and leans over to his brother's non existent ear and whispers something to him. Blueberry's eye sockets go wide in surprise and quickly moves away from Polka, but not too far away from her. "OH STARS! S-SORRY ABOUT THAT HU-I MEAN POLKA! I FORGOT THAT YOUR SORT OF UNEASY WITH US MONSTERS!!" He said as he sits closer to Carrot again. Polka looks at the cinnamon roll with curiosity, he was the same height as Polka but he was sort of...bigger? She then looks at Carrot curiously as he rests his head against hers, he opens one of his sockets and stares at Polka, she blinks at him in confusion and curiously while wondering why he was staring at her, he chuckles and said, "Sorry kid, kinda tired from putting so much backbone from walking." He chuckles and buries his head into Polka's hair. Polka giggles, feeling slightly ticklish from Carrot's action. "PAPYRUS STOP IT WITH YOUR STUPID PUNS!!!" Blue shouts at him. Polka covers her both with both hands and giggles at Underswap Sans as she feels her cheeks blush a tiny shade of pink. Blueberry blushes a darkly shade of blue and jumps at Polka with a sudden hug. "YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUUUUUTTTTTEEEE!!!" Blue squeals as he rubs his cheek against Polka's, who was completely blushing a dark shade of red, Carrot was blushing an orange color and looked away, the other monsters noticed and looked at the two Underswap skeletons curiously because of Blueberry's yelling, as soon as blueberry releases Polka, they heard other people come in, making Polka quickly look over to see what was going on.

It was the other captives and slaves. All of the monsters' attention snapped towards the humans, the humans were panicky and scared, except for a few of them, it was a group of girls, Amber, Rachel, Katy, and Flora. (You guys can pick how Katy, Flora, and Rachel look like, but as for Amber, I will tell you all what she will look like later in the story) Polka knew right then and there that there was gonna be trouble if they knew that she was still here. She starts to shake and quickly hides herself in Carrot's chest. Blueberry and Carrot notice and looked at the chocolate brunet haired girl with worry, while the group of girls sneered at the monsters and scanned the room, Amber and Flora soon noticed Polka and smirked evilly and walked on the red carpet and now they were in front of the two colorful skeleton's and Polka. "Well well well lookie here, finally with one of your own kind! You're with your freaky little friends! Hah! You probably would have been better off dead like the other scientist that were in the facility!" Flora said as she looks at Polka with a glare, making the brunet flinch. Carrot tightens his grip around Polka even more and glares at the two girls while Blueberry hides right behind him. 

Polka never did liked them even if she never did knew them, though she actually does, but she thought that if she told the others about it, they probably would have gone and tried to do something crazy, the chocolate brunet slowly looks at Amber's sunset orange eyes that are filled with rage, same goes for Flora's eyes. "Look at us when we are talking to you, ya bi-" But before Amber could finish saying her words, her soul had appeared and it turned dark blue along with Flora's soul, and the two of them were both lifted up in the air. They gasps and turned to see that Edge had his one right eye flaring up so bad that sparks were coming out of his red magic. 

"If you try and say an insult to Polka one more time, I swear to god I won't hesitate to throw a sharp bone directly at your soul."

He said with venom in his voice. Flora had turned pale by Edge's words but Amber seemed completely unfazed by it. She glares at him sharply and turns over to Polka with a evil smirk on her face. "These monsters are probably pretending to help you so by then they could try and stab you in the back before you can even notice, no one would ever, and I mean never, would want a weak human being such as yourself, just like your friends for example-" Amber was intrupped when Polka had quickly gotten up and grabbed The orange color haired girl by the collar and brought her near Polka's face, Amber was now looking into cold and angry eyes.

"ShUt Up BeFoRe I Do SoMTinG   Very BAD!!!!!"

The skeletons and monsters, along with Amber and Flora and the other humans were shocked with the sudden change with Polka.

Knowing that Amber was just about to insult your friends, feels you with RAGE.

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