"Draco was in here?"

"Yeah but Hermione kind of yelled at him, threatened him then punched him in the face."

"Oh." She said simply, knowing that her nephew had been an utter git.


"Hermione! Get up!" Fred said, shaking Hermione.

"Go away." She said and rolled over to her side.

"Hermione! We have to get ready for the wedding! We need to be there at 1 and it's already 12:30!" Hermione shot straight up from her sleep and stood up.

"How did we sleep in so late?!" She asked.

"Well we were out really late last night." Fred said. Last night, Hermione and him, Beatrice and Ron, Harry and Ginny and Luna and Neville went out to a club last night and stayed out very late.

Hermione jumped up and ran to the kitchen where she got bacon and eggs ready for her and Fred. The two ate quickly and then Hermione brushed her teeth. She threw on some cut off Jean shorts and a black tank top before looking at herself in the mirror.

"I look awful." She said just as Fred walked into the bathroom.

"And I'm a virgin." He said.


"I thought we were saying things that were impossible." He said innocently, making Hermione smile. She walked up to him and kissed him lightly on the lips. The two then began to kiss and were so caught up in the moment, they didn't even hear Ginny apparate in.

"Hermione, Fred where-" She said and then stopped talking once she made it to the bathroom. "Stop snogging! Your late for your wedding!" She said and pulled Hermione away from Fred.

"Fred, I'm taking Hermione now and you best hurry up." She said.

"Fred, wake the twins and bring them over by floo." Hermione said then her and Ginny apparated to the burrow.

"Hermione! There you are dear." Said Mrs. Weasley, who was dashing around the kitchen, making cakes and other wedding things.

"Hi Mrs. Weasley." She said politely and was about to ask if she needed a hand but Ginny dragged her upstairs and into her old room. Her and Harry now lived in a small house.

"There you are Hermione!" Luna said and came over to hug her.

"Itz already twelve thirty three!" Fleur said, checking the clock that was on the wall.

"Yes, now let's get started, shall we?" Ginny said excitedly. "So Hermione, we are going to wax your legs."

"You won't be seeing my legs." Hermione said.

"Your going on a honeymoon after this and I'm sure Fred will be seeing a lot of your legs." Ginny said, making everyone laugh and Hermione turn bright red.

"Well how will this waxing thing go?" Hermione asked timidly.

"We put hot wax on your legs and then put sticky things over that and then pull."

"No way am I doing that!" Hermione said.

"Stop being a baby! It doesn't hurt that bad!"

"That bad? That bad? Well that sounds promising." Hermione said sarcastically, making Ginny roll her eyes.

"The sooner you let me do it, the sooner it'll be over." She said. Twenty minutes later, Hermione was siting down with hot wax on her legs, ready for her waxing.

"One...two...three." Ginny said and pulled the pieces off. Hermione let out a loud screech of pain. Once her legs were waxed, Ginny moved up to her eyebrows. She waxed them and Hermione screamed even louder then last time. "Don't be such a baby!" Ginny said nonchalantly.

"Okay girls, hair time!" Ginny said.

"I want my hair in the same style I had it in for the Yule ball." Hermione said and Ginny started working away at her hair. Next, Ginny did the bridesmaids hair. They had black headbands in their hair and there hair was curled.

"Okay, makeup time!" Ginny put foundation on Hermione, then light blush, red lipstick, gold eye shadow, butterfly mascara, and thin eye liner. The bridesmaids get red lipstick too, nude eye shadow, mascara, very thin eyeliner, and slight blush.

"Well don't we look fabulous!" Hermione smiled and looked at her watch. mThe wedding will start in twenty minutes.


"Ready Fred? The wedding starts in twenty minutes." Harry said, patting him on the back.

"Yeah I just always thought that if I got married, George would be here." Fred said sadly.

"I know mate, I'm sorry. Do you have your vows ready?"

"Yep." Fred said and messed with his bow tie. "I'm ready."


"Do you have your vows ready, are you set?" Ginny asked Hermione.

"Yep." She said nervously. "I'm ready."


Sooooooooooooo sorry bout the long wait but here it is! The crappy chapter! The next chapter will be the chapter about the wedding soo yeahhhh :p

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