Chapter Two

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Well, it's about a girl."

"Oh my gosh! A GIRL?" Marinette said sitting up and giggling. "You're a superhero. And you need help getting a girl?" She fell off the couch laughing. "It's not that easy Marinette. She's different." Marinette sat back on the couch and looked at Chat Noirs expression. She realized he was serious. "Wow. You really like her."
Marinette said.

"Yeah. I think i love her."

Chat walked over to the window and looked out at Paris. "So how can I help?" Marinette asked behind him. "Well. I wanted to ask her to be my Valentine, but I don't know how. You would know. How would you want it?" Chat Noir asked turning back to Marinette.

"Um. I don't know. I'll get some cookies from downstairs and then we can brainstorm." Marinette said. "Thanks Marinette. You're the best." Marinette opened the trapdoor. "I know." And she disappeared. Chat chuckled.

Chat Noir looked around Marinette's room. He walked over to the desk. On it was a sketch book. It was full of outfit designs. "These are good." He said to himself. When he put the book back down, it nudged the computer mouse. The screen of the computer lit up. On it was pictures of him?! Why does she have these? And on her wall! Chat asked himself. Does she-

"I'm back!" Marinette sang as she came back up with a tray of cookies.
"Why are you on my computer?!" Marinette's asked putting the tray down and rushing to the computer to turn it off. She turned a bright red. "Who's that?" Chat Noir asked with an eyebrow raised and a knowing smirk.

"Nobody. Well at least that's what I am to him." Marinette said ploping down on the couch and taking a bite out of a cookie. "I'm sure that's not true." Chat said sitting down next to Marinette. "I guess we both need help, huh?" Marinette said. "We can help each other." Chat said.

"Okay." Marinette said sitting up. "What do you need help with?" Chat asked truly curious. "Everything. I can't talk to him at all! Everytime I just start to blab on and say stupid things."

"What's his name?"

"Adrien." Marinette sighed dreamily. When she saw Chat smirking at her, she blushed. "Shut up." She said pushing him. He just laughed. "How long have you liked him. "Sinceimethim." She mumbled. "What was that?" Chat asked. "The moment I meet him." Marinette hung her head.
"Really?!" Adrien said surprised. "I mean, when was that?" He replaced his surprised expression with a curious one.


"Speak up Marinette!"

"Two years..." She blushed again. "And you've liked him ever since?"

"Liked? That may be an understatement." Marinette said waving towards her walls and computer. She also picked up her sketchbook, and opened it. On the page was pictures of Adrien she drew. In all about 34 pages were used with pictures of Adrien, and only 28 were of clothes.

"These are... Really good. He would love them. Maybe, give him one?" Chat Noir shrugged. He would really like one. She was talented, and nobody had ever made anything close to that for him, secretly or not. "I could never! I would die of embarrassment. He'd think I'm a freak. A stalker, one of his fangirls. My life would be over. He will never see these drawings, my computer, or my walls. None of it." Marinette hugged her knees toward her chest.

"What about you? Who's the lucky girl."

"Ladybug." He muttered.

"I can't hear you."

"Ladybug." He said sighing. "WHAT?!?" Marinette screamed leaping off the couch. "Marinette? What's wrong?" Chat stood up too. "You're in love. With. LADYBUG??"


"Superhero Ladybug?!"


"Your partner Ladybug?


"This can not be happening." Marinette said quietly to herself. "Are you okay Marinette?? What's wrong with loving Ladybug?"

"Loving.." she repeated softly. "Nothing, I just... Uh.... Didn't expect it. That's all."

"Yeah. Those rumors of us dating are just a dream of mine. Maybe one day." Chat sighed. "How long have you liked her?"

"Same as you. The day we met. I feel in love as soon as I saw her beautiful craziness. She's amazing."

"Really. Do you.... Do you think she likes you back?"

"Not a chance. At least I don't think. No. Maybe...? No."

"Why don't you tell her?"

"I just can't. I've tried. But I can't."

Marinette sighed. "Look at us."

"Secretly loving someone, who don't even know we exist."

"Let's watch a movie. Hopefully we can forget them. For now." Marinette sighed and turned on the TV. Chat put the cookies on the coffee table, and pulled a blanket from the basket next to the couch. They decide on Nemo, one of Marinette's favorites.

"Can I touch your ears?" Marinette randomly asked. "Sure." Chat Noir smiled and layed his head on Marinette's lap. "Valentine's day is coming up. We need to figure out how to tell them." Marinette started to stroke his ears. "That'll go well." She sighed. "I can't tell him. Ever. Besides, he would never like me. I mean, why would he?"

"Why would you say that?" Chat said sitting up.

"'Cause it's true. He could have any girl in Paris. They all fangirl over him. But they don't know him. They just like him because he's famous. He's my friend, and I like him for who he is. Not what his dad has made him. But he'll never know. I can't even get out a stupid sentence around him. He could have Chloe, the mayor's daughter, or anybody. He wouldn't want stupid clumsy Marinette. He probably is only friends with me because he pitys me." Marinette burried her face in her hands.

"That's not true! Marinette, you're amazing! You're talented, kind, brave, nothing like those other girls. He'll definitely like you back!" Wait? WHAT?! Chat thought. Not that she isn't nice and everything I said. I just love Ladybug. Chat sighed.

"Thanks Noir, but I can't." Marinette layed her head on Chat's shoulder. "He'd be so much easier to talk to if I didn't know it was him. Like, if he was you under the mask. You know?" Chat stiffened. "Yeah, but that's crazy. Like insane."


They watched the rest of the movie, and Adrien's ring beeped. "I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow night. This time?"

"I'll be waiting." Marinette walked Noir to the window. "Bye kitty." Chat leapt out of the window. Before Marinette closed the window, he said "You really should give him one of those drawings. It would mean the world to him. It would to me." He smiled at Marinette before leaping off into the night.


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