Baby on the way (10)

Start from the beginning

"clary" Jace shouted as he went room for room looking for his missing wife. jace was about to walk past the kitchen when he heard crying. 'izzy' jace thought. she must of come over with amy. to get away from the mundane. Jace walked into the room to ask izzy where clary was but to his surprise clary was the one playing with a crying baby. "Something you need to tell me?" jace asked whilst smiling. "how long have you been hiding this one" he said whilst smiling at the baby. "don't make her laugh. i just fed her and well if you like baby puke go ahead". she said whilst wiping her head with her sleeve. jace walked over to clary and hugged her from behind, wrapping his arms around her belly. "i think it's time to swap back" jace said whilst about to pull away. "wait" clary shouted rather loudly which made jace slightly jump. "what?" he said sounding confused. "Just stay here for five minutes, please" she said sounding genuine. "Any reason why" Jace said whilst kissing her neck gently. "i just" clary began but pulled Jace off her. "your tickling my neck" clary said dodging the question again. "clary whats wrong?" jace said trying to grab her wrist as she picked up amy and walked to the door. "nothing" she said before disappearing out of the door.

Clary walked down the hall leaving jace behind. she wanted to tell him but she couldn't find the right words to. in the end she gave up trying and instead took Jake to the park.

"Mommy isn't daddy coming?" jake asked with a sulky face. "Daddy's got work to do" clary said whilst rustling his fluffy blonde hair. clary looked down at her son who had spent the afternoon chasing squirrels. "You need a shower" clary said whilst smiling down at jake who shook his head. "daddy says being dirty makes you a man" jake said whilst trying his hardest not to sneeze. "Come on little man" clary sighed. "we should go find daddy anyway" and Jake ran off in search of the institute. "i have something to tell him" clary added to herself.

Clary had finally gotten a screeching jake to take a bath and he was now playing with his train set whilst clary waited for Jace to come home from wherever he was. Clary guessed off letting off steam after she blew him away like that earlier.

"Mommy" a familiar voice said making her snap out of her day dream. clary looked over at her beautiful green eyed boy. "yes sweetie" clary said whilst keeping an eye on the door. "i said can you help me fix my train set" jake said and clary bet anyone apart from jace and her wouldn't be able to understand him. But she understood what he said and nodded.

Jace walked into the institute to find it weirdly quiet. he had spent all day at there soon to be 'new home' and was trying to move most of there stuff in without clary realising. so whatever she blew him off about must of been pretty important because she had spent all day out with their son. and Jace had to admit it he missed jake every time he left. but he knew being with their son calmed clary down. so he left her to it, however he was determined to find out what was on in her mind one way or another even if it meant getting her drunk for gods sake.

"Jace" a familiar voice run out. Jace looked up the hall to see Alec emerging from one of the rooms. "hi" jace said lazily as Alec stood in the door way of the room he had come from. "you have to see this" Alec said smiling at jace who sighed. "if it is Magnus in a frilly frock again i am going to kill you" jace said whilst walking up to the room that Alec was looking in and smiling. "what" jace said whilst trying to pop his head into the room. When Alec finally moved he saw the most heart warming thing ever. Clary was fast asleep on the floor with a tiny looking Jake wrapped in her arms. they had fallen asleep playing with Jake's train set and jace smiled knowing full well Alec could see. jace slowly walked over to them so he wouldn't wake them and sat on the floor next to clary. he began to play with her hair carefully when Alec finally spoke. "have you done moving?" he asked and seemed genuinely curious. "nearly" jace said whilst tearing his gaze of his two beautiful family members. "i just have the stuff in our room left, she doesn't suspect anything does she?" jace asked Alec who shook his head. "no they were out all day and when i got back they were here asleep. i guess he must of run her ragged all day". Alec said smiling. "Thats my boy" Jace said as he began to get up. "i better get my two baby's to bed" jace said smiling down at his beautiful wife. "it's been a long day and these two are obviously tired" jace looked up at Alec. "you go as well i can hold up for a while. i need some time with myself anyway" Jace said smiling. and Alec returned the smile. "Ok but if you need help when he wakes up you know where i am" Alec said smiling. "i swear" jace said jokingly "that you want to steal my son, because if you think you can turn him against his daddy you can think again" jace said and Alec

Laughed. "come on Jace he is such a daddy's boy, like i could ever get him against you" Alec said laughing as he walked down the hall and jace could hear the laughter as he walked away.

Clary woke to a warm feeling. she looked down and was in shock. she didn't remember going to bed. she was still wearing her cloths that she was in earlier so that led her to think she had fallen to sleep with Jake. She slowly peeled herself from hers and jace's bed and walked out into the hall way. Which for this late at night was surprisingly quiet. Clary heard Jace and Jake playing in their sons room but didn't want to spoil the moment. instead she decided to have a walk up to the green house. it was too late to watch them blossom but at three in the morning the city looked radius.

Clary sat on the windowsill watching the city until she heard footsteps behind her. "clary" Jace said sounding relieved "you scared the shit out of

Me, i went into our room and you weren't there" he said sounding annoyed. clary didn't turn to look at him only sighed. "clary" Jace said more calmly this time. "are you

Gonna tell me whats wrong or am i gonna have to make you?" he said whilst pulling her up off the windowsill. "jace" clary began but couldn't get the words out. what if he wasn't ready. or he had changed his mind and didn't want anymore kids. Jace opened his mouth but shut it again. "jace" clary restarted. "i'm pregnant" she said and prepared for jace to yell at her. but he only smiled. "So this is why you have been avoiding me all day?" Jace said whilst smiling still. "Your not mad?" clary asked in a shocked tone. this made Jace frown. "mad. pff clary i have been wanting this for so long. you have no idea how happy i am right now. i mean i couldn't believe you were mine but this. i mean we have a family clary and i want to extend it" he said whilst pulling clary by her belt hoops. "shit" he said as though remembering something. "what?" clary said suddenly shocked. "does this mean no more fun? i mean trying for a baby" he said sounding sad. "i didn't say that" clary said whilst kissing him lingeringly on the lips. the kind of kiss that would leave him wanting more. "you better not want more yogurt this time clary. i can't take another nine months of that" he moaned on her lips. "i can't promise that" clary said as Jace pulled away. clary pouted which made Jace laugh." clary your gonna be twenty-four tomorrow stop acting like a teenager". he said whilst pulling her by the belt. "And your not" clary said as she saw where he was leading her. "actually it's bed time" jace said sounding serious. "its nearly four in the morning and you need sleep. also the faster you sleep the faster tomorrow will come" he said smiling as he pulled her into their room slamming the door shut behind him. "jace you seem more excited than i am" clary said frowning as Jace dived into bed. "What have you done?" Clary asked sounding scared. "no sharks?" clary asked with a smile. "where do you think i am going to get sharks from at this time of year" jace scoffed sounding fed up. "come on clary" he said smiling as she got into bed next to him. jace knelt down and kissed clary's flat belly. well it wouldn't be flat for much longer. "night night" jace whispered onto clary's belly as she smiled at him. "i'm up here idiot" she said smiling at him with his big grin on his face. "i hope it's another boy" jace said as he laid back and let clary snuggle agains't his chest. "i don't" clary said. "i don't think i could take another Jake" she said as she closed her eyes. and for the fist time in a while. dove into a peaceful sleep.


Thanks to livelovefanfic4ever

And cityofbones12345

Both of you are amazing just a special thanks for sticking by me and enjoying my reads ;) i may not be able to upload as much this weekend because of exams :/ yay me. But i will be sure to get a couple out for everyone. thanks xx

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