Chapter 86

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After few minutes of being in each other's arms, I pulled out slowly. My hands cupped Harry's face, our wet eyes were staring at each other.

"Tell me something" I spoke quietly.

"What?" He frowned.

"Why did you tell me to say 'No' when you proposed and what was all that drama?" I asked.

"I just wanted to test whether you were still mine or not. But I'm happy that I'm still the most important person to you in this whole world. I was very mad at you for hiding this from me but when you said yes to me I realised at the end of the day only I'm your first priority!"

"You didn't see my love for you before?" I smiled a bit.

He rolled his eyes.

"You left me alone for 2 years. What could have I thought about your love?" He held my hands and brought down to his shoulders. Soon started running his fingers through my temples.

"In those 2 year my love just kept increasing, Harry"

"I know that now, okay?" He widened his eyes at me.

"But still I didn't get why you told me to reject you" "wait a minute" "How did you get to know about Stefan and Vanessa?" I showered questions on him.

"Gray!" "You remember? When Gray called you to meet to him?" "He wanted to tell you about Vanessa but then Stefan send his men to grab Gray. He discovered that Gray came to know about Vanessa" "I got a call few minutes ago, it was him. He was scared as he was running away from Stefan's men. He got a chance to call me and then told me everything but then suddenly he cut the phone off"

"What!!" "Harry you need to help him. He hasn't done any damage to me" I got worried.

"This is why you didn't shoot Gray that day right?" Harry cupped my face.

I just nodded while lowering my sight.

"I'll have find him soon!" Harry looked at the sky.

"And what about you telling me to reject you?" I quickly questioned.

"That I'm not gonna tell you!" He slowly left me and stepped back.

"What?!!?" "Why?"

"I don't trust you" "Don't know if Stefan threatens you asking about what's going on, you'll spill everything out" he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"This isn't fair, Harry!" "You have to tell---"

"Look, Jane. Now leave it all on me! I'm gonna handle this from now. You just have to pretend that you obeyed to Stefan and said no to me. Act like we both are fighting and hating each other. Let them feel like they have a upper hand still. Don't let him or Vane-Vanessa know that I know everything. Okay?"

"Whoa...wha...wait...fight with you? Pretend to hate you?" "No no no no. This-This is enough" I shook my head and gestured my hands in denial.

"Great! So you can obey Stefan's orders but not mine! Fine! I'm nothing to you right! Do whatever you want! Go-Go tell Stefan everything" "Go-Go" he started being dramatic.

"This Drama thing suits on me only, Harry" I passed him an unamused look.

"Then do what I'm saying"

"But what are you gonna do?" I shrugged.

"I'm not telling you anything!" He turned around and started walking in his room.

"No! Wait! Tell me! Harry"

He didn't tell me anything and just told me to act like he said. I then got out of his room as Stefan and Vanessa could doubt why I was in there for so long. I am so pissed on Harry. He isn't sharing anything!! Just told me to hate him and fight with him. Great! Do I look like an actress? Tf!

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