Chapter 58

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"I ain't!! Fine don't choke me, kill me instead! Come on Harry do it!! Come---" before I could utter a single word, he suddenly cupped his hands on my face and out of nowhere crashed his lips into mine. (A/N:- just a recap)

My eyes were wide opened and I stopped breathing. I badly startled with his actions. What just happened? My hands were wide open in shock. I could see Harry's closed eyes before me. I immediately closed my eyes shut processing realising our position. He just pressed his lips to mine while taking off his cupped hands from mine.

What is even happening to him? We were just fighting like animals and he almost slapped me. He was ignoring me like I don't exist and now he out of really nowhere kissed me? I was hell confused and shocked. He wasn't even kissing me but just pressing his lips to mine. What's going on? Before I could think of something else he suddenly leaned out.

"Done!" He spoke in a informing tone.

Done? What's done? Done of telling me that he still loves me by kissing me?

"What?" I frowned.

"The wound's dressing!" He gestured his eyes down to my hand.

I immediately moved my eyes down to check what he was talking about. My wound was completely dressed. Now I get it! Wtf Harry!

"Why did you kiss me?" I frowned deeply and still questioned him.

"To shut your mouth!" He rolled his eyes and turned around. He started walking in the direction of his broken phone.

"You should have used your hands to shut me up rather than kissing me" I was pretending to be a angry girl who just got kissed by her ex without her permission.

"Then was I supposed to dress your wound with my fucking FEET ?" He gave me disgusted look while sitting down on his toes and picking his phone.


"You know what? Get out of my room!" He exclaimed not bothering to look at me.

"I ain't!" I sighed and rolled my eyes away.

I walked near him and sat on my knees. I stared at his actions of picking up his phone and checking the damage.

"I'm sorry for your phone!" I stone heartedly apologised. He always ignores me with his phone. He deserved that.

He didn't respond.

"I'll get you a new one!" I looked away just not to connect my eyes with his.

"Oh please! I can afford thousands more! You don't need to be so apologetic when you are not! And this isn't your first time of throwing my phone away! It's just that I'll be missing important calls" He yelled at me.

"Oh! You remember it? Glad to hear that! But you know what? Maybe I had a right at that time. Our relations were different to throw your phone away. I guess now we are just college friends! Hardly friends. So I'm gonna pay for this! It's on you to accept it or not!" I stood up while groaning on him and started walking fast out of his room in aggression. I could feel his heart pinched.

I suddenly stop to clear everything with just a last question.

"Harry!" I called him.

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