Chapter 83

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"There you land" Harry chuckled after placing me on my bed.

"Thanks Mr. Styles" I rolled my eyes in fake anger.

Seeing that he scoffed and started shaking his head seeing my childish nature.

"Now sleep well. I'm gonna stay home tomorrow. I need to help you guys with some wedding arrangements" he informed after pulling my blanket on me while standing besides me.

"And as my leg is better now, I'm gonna come with you guys!" I ordered but soon pouted expecting Harry's denial.

"Ya fine. We'll first go to the doctor and get you checked!"

"Whoa!" I widened my eyes in surprise.

"What happen?" He passed a confused plus suspicious look.

"You didn't yell and surprisingly said yes for me roaming out?" I chuckled.

"I understand you must be bored sitting at home. I know you can't stay at one place for a long time. I remember when I locked in the house for two days and you felt like running away" he scoffed.

"You remember everything?" I went a little serious and looked in his eyes.

"Of course I do!" He patted his hand on my cheek softly and smiled.

What has happened to him suddenly?

"Now you sleep. You and I both need rest" he added.


"You need anything?" He asked.

"Nah!" I pulled the sheet over my chest.

"Okay. Good night, Jane" he smiled while turning around to leave.

"Hey wait" I immediately grabbed his one palm with both of my hands.

"What happen?" He turned around at me and frowned.

"Could you please pass me some water from the table near that couch?" I bit my tongue.

"Sure" saying this he was about to walk to the table but I again pulled him towards not leaving him.

"And also pass my phone from the same table?" I asked.


He was again about to go away but I again pulled him towards me.

"And also could you-----"

"C'mon Jane, straight away tell that you don't want me to go" he smirked.

"What?" "Nooooo!" I left his hand and looked away while blushing.

"Girls and their girlish drama" he rolled his eyes and walked towards the table.

I stuck out my tongue at his back.

After grabbing a glass full of water and my phone he walked to me.

"Here" he handed over me the stuff.

I grabbed my phone and kept it besides me. Took the glass in my hands and placed the top of the glass on my lips. I wasn't thirsty at all. He was right. I wanted him to be with me. I started sipping water slowly while watching him.

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