Chapter 72

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*Harry's pov*

I looked up at her and leaned out a little with a question mark on my face.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Harry, the person who was assaulting me is----"


Before Jane could speak ahead, my room door suddenly opened and someone barged in yelling my name.

I and Jane both looked up at the person.

"Vane?" A muffle escaped my mouth seeing the person.

"Vanessa?" Jane did the same.

"Harry! I need to talk to you right now! You are a liar!" Vane yelled at me holding my room door open.

"Yeah sure but after Jane finishes. Wait for me outside" I widened my eyes at Vane but talked politely.

"No Harry! I wanna talk right now! I can't wait---"

"Vane I said after Jane finishes! Leave us alone for a minute!"

"Harry you don't understand! It's about us! And it's very important"

"There's fucking nothing important than the person sitting in front of me. Now for god's sake leave my room right now!" I screamed on her as she was irritating me by messing with me.

Listening that, Vane's mouth dropped in awe and she seemed hurt. I don't really care about anyone right now. If Jane wants to talk to me, I need and want to be for her.

After processing what I said, Vanessa banged the door close and Jane jumped because of it. I looked at her and found her staring at the door.

"Jane. Speak ahead. The person assaulting you is?" I repeated her sentence and drew her attention.

She looked at me and stared at for few seconds being hung.

"The-the person, the person assaulting me is-is-isn't the same who threatened me today!" She spoke ahead.

"I know what the person can do and what happened today with me isn't his style of threatening me. I just wanted to inform you this" she added.

"Jane, for a minute I thought you were going to tell me who the person was! I'm disappointed. I yelled on Vane for you and now I regret seeing the results" I was disgusted.

I immediately stood up in anger and left Jane's hand. Soon walked out of the room to Vane. I could feel Jane staring at me.

*Janessa's pov*

What the hell were you just going to do Jenna?!! You were just about to expose Stefan. Stefan, Harry's uncle's son and his cousin. Seeing Harry yelling on Vane for me, A thing suddenly clicked me. If he can yell at his best friend for me then what will he do to his brother if I expose his true nature.

If Harry kills Stefan, the family will break! His uncle would break all the relation with his family and this isn't what I want!! I brought their family together not just to separate them again.

Thank god I covered what I was about say. I can't expose Stefan in any way. Harry loves Stefan and siyana a lot. But he won't take a single second to break Stefan's bones too. Cause now I know what I am to him.

Vanessa must have come know my and Harry's past. Maybe this is why she called him a liar.

But now I again made Harry upset. Ugh!!!!!!

I don't really know what is going in my life. And today's incident was just an another attack for me. Who was the person who threatened me?!

I then stood up and walked out of the room. Cassie was standing there with her hands folded against her chest and her eyes were staring at me madly.

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