I'm shook, they shook (33)

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He groans in approval.

A deep shade of red creeps up my face when I finally realise what I've said.

So embarrassing.

What has gotten into me? Am I sick? I must be very sick. I'll never say something like this certainly not to this ruthless, but nonetheless very ravishing billionaire.

I struggle out of his hold, but his arms only tighten, pinning me down in the cloudy mattress.

His metallic grey eyes were twinkling with the warmth of pure adoration and love.

    Love for me, all for me.

    "My bad girl", he breathes out, rubbing his nose against mine into an Eskimo kiss. The tiredness breaking in his voice. He was still very sleepy.

His face comes down, kissing my chin in the morning haze. It was a wake up call kiss.

He leans all his weight on me, plopping his head back on the pillow. His eyes were closed, facing me. His lips parted a bit, breathing evenly.

He fell back to sleep.

I consider to wake him up, but change my mind directly. He looked beyond exhausted. I would feel bad if I wake him up.

I was lying their, observing him like the sick stalker I am. The minutes went by with in silence, his breathing expending in the room.

He looks so peaceful.

A shaky sigh passed my lips. I turn to lie on my back, facing the pearled coloring ceiling.

I lay my arms over my eyes, covering them. I was thinking deeply. My heart pounding on an inhuman speed. Different emotions grew in my chest.

I must stop thinking about him.

It was a thing impossible for me to do. His presence made me alert. He was right beside me. His warmth radiating over my whole body, sending a chill down my spine.

A picture of Leah randomly pops up in my mind.


Way to destroy the mood.

Thinking about her, what will happen?

Oh well...


    "... so in the end I finally knew that It was all that sneaky bitc- I mean snakes plan. Nobody could ever guess one will be that evil. I still don't know how she stole his bracelet", I blurt everything out in one deep breath.

Marc was sitting in the chair in front of me, listening with his dry gaze. I had utter pity with him that he needed to listen to my endless rant.

We were back in Mason's office, killing our time by speaking, because Mason is back in a meeting.

I needed to drag Mason to the building this morning, because he kept on cuddling me in the bed. He almost was late for the meeting with some Spanish business men.

     Man, how many hours can one sleep?

"Hey Marc, how is Nathan? I haven't seen him in a loooong while."

I pout my lips slightly, missing my best friend. He's probably watching some KUWTK in his unicorn onesie, sprinkling his 'magic glitter' in the air.

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