"Oh come on, kitten! What would be the fun in that? You, trying to snoop into my office. Me, watching your every move and kicking your butt when I catch you red handed. Kind of like today when you thought you could get away reading my letters without being caught. You may have figured out my name, that was pretty simple and reckless on my part, but you're not likely to get much further than that."

                We'll just see about that.

                I shrugged. "'kay."

                We stared each other down for a while, neither of us sure what to say next.

                "Do I scare you?"

                I narrowed my eyes at him. "What d'you think?"

                "I think you're absolutely terrified of me. Sure you're stubborn, hardheaded, and you act like you're not just some twig-like, frail, nerdy girl, but the second I carry out a threat you look more defenseless than a helpless, innocent stray kitten that just got run over multiple times on a highway, squirming around like a rag caught in the wind, bleeding everywhere, barely alive. Pretty cute picture isn't it? Your nickname just became about a hundred times more fitting."

                "You're sick," I spat, disgusted at the kind of thoughts he had running through his head. I was more of a dog-lover and even that was a disturbing image for me.

                "Yeah, I kind of am. I don't know why on earth you thought I would sympathize with you over your dead mother earlier down in the kitchen," he scoffed insensitively. Wow, it was like every time I found some good in him, he reminded me that it was just an accident and that he really was heartless. "By the way, I did end up getting first dibs. Those were some damn good desserts. Good to know that you're actually useful in the kitchen. I'm actually considering not disposing of you once I get what I want from you.  I might just have to keep you here for the rest of your life if you become a little less aggravating. I'm sure Nadya would be ecstatic at the news of having a little helper running around. She seems to love having some help and company." 

                I couldn't tell if he was being serious about anything, so I just kept my mouth shut. All I knew was that he was sounding seriously demented.

                "Why so serious, kitten? Usually I can't get you to shut up. What's wrong?"

                "I think I should be asking you what's wrong. Why aren't you yelling at me for everything?"

                "Why should I waste my breath? You're never listen anyways, right kitten? I might be telling you something for your own good, but you never listen to me.  You will never listen to me. I don't care if you end up hurting yourself in the end. Like I said, curiosity killed the cat."

"Well at least the cat died a noble death"

He rolled his eyes at me and scoffed, "Go ahead and die your "noble" death.  Join your mother. Tell her I said hi. I told you once that ignorance is bliss, but I guess you just don't trust me. I could give you the answers to everything you want to know and it won't get you a single step closer to your goal. Want to know why? Because your paws can't take a step off this estate. You're stuck here, and as long as you're stuck here, you can't do a single thing beside meow in melancholy. And honey, believe me when I say that you will never slip through my fingers. You just don't seem to get in your thick cranium that the more you snoop around, the less freedom you'll have. It's not me; it's your knowledge which will constrict you.  You're just trapping yourself in your own cage. The moment you found out my name, you kissed your chance of me letting you go, goodbye."

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