19: Feeling Guilty

Start from the beginning

I convinced Tina to take a picture with me. It wasn't the pictures Elias was asking but it had to do. I sent it to him immediately and turned off my phone. Tina didn't pick up anything, hopefully. 

After dinner, Tina's parents dropped us off at a bar called Shots. When we walked in it was really dark and crowded. The walls were filled with posters and CD's of old rock bands. There was loud rock music playing. We got to the bar and asked for two random shots, then Tina ordered one called 'Blowjob'. 

They played 'Sweet Child O' Mine by Gun n' Roses and Tina sang along to some parts. I looked at her mesmerized, already drunk. She blushed and ordered another shot, she passed me one and chugged hers before I even put mine close to my mouth. 

We left after my eighth shot. Tina was pretty wasted, she was giggling on the Uber. I had the worst hiccup ever. The Uber driver didn't say a word while he drove us to Tina's house.  When we got there I carried Tina up to the door and to her room.

I threw her on the bed and took my shirt off before laying next her. She was giggling uncontrollably. I laid next to her. 

"I'm so drunk" she said with a laugh. I chuckled and looked at her.  Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes had a certain spark I've seen before. I just love to stare at her eyes. "you're cute" she whispered with a smile and touched my cheek. She looked at my lips. 

"Am I?" I asked her with a smirk. I turned to face her and she did the same.

"Yes" she confirmed smiling. We stared at each other for a while and then she leaned in towards me and kissed me. I immediately placed my hand on her head, bringing her closer to me. 

She moved to place herself on top of me. I placed my hands on her hips and pushed her against my erection. She started moving her hips up and down, very slowly. It felt so nice I let out a moan.

Suddenly she stopped kissing me and ran to the bathroom. I looked at the bathroom door concerned when I heard her throwing up. I stood up and walked to the bathroom to help her, she tried to kick me out but she was in no condition to do so. I held her hair while she threw up. I don't why I decided to get inside the tub in our underwear. Tina tried to protest and get away from me but I held her tightly in my arms

She fell asleep soon after, her chest rising and falling very slowly. I fell asleep looking at her rosy cheeks and pink lips. 


I woke up with the worst neck pain of my life. I hide it from Tina and her parents just so they wouldn't ask questions. We were on our way to Tina's grandmother's house. I didn't feel exactly comfortable about meeting her whole family. 

We got to Tina's grandmother's house; it was a big, yellowish, two story house with a big entrance. When the door opened a white little dog came out barking and Tina rolled her eyes. She had the worst headache ever. 

Then an old lady came out and hugged Tina, greeting her in Spanish. I though that was her grandma but apparently no. She then eyed me and the only thing I could do was smile and stand there like statue. 

"It's Tina's friend" Marcia said with a smile and emphasis in friend. I guessed the lady asked who I was. She kept looking at me and then turned around to walk inside the house behind Tina. 

Once inside there was music playing and the smell of seasoning was all around the house. There was an enormous patio with a terrace and stairs that led to a pool. The sun hit right on the pool making the water shine. 

"Tina!" another lady stood up from a rocking chair and hugged Tina. She looked her up and down and said something to Tina's parents. Tina looked at me with her cheeks red. I wondered what they were talking about. 

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