1: Changing Strategies

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The party began earlier than I expected and soon all my frat brothers were wasted on the couches with a random girl under their arms.

I stared around looking for something interesting but all the girls were the same of every other night and I should be concentrating on only one.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I drunkenly dunked my hand inside to grab it. I looked at the screen and read the message.

"She's here"

I got up and told some of my friends to come with me to this party. I knew it was nothing like ours but I had to at least go and be polite.

I drove my car alone and got there before everyone else. I waited outside for everyone to get there distracting myself with the branches of the big tree on the entrance of the house. I saw the headlights approaching and walked towards them.

"Let's go, Blaky" Dallas joked with a mockingly smile.

We walked in laughing at something stupid Corey said and my eyes immediately scanned the room, finding her sitting down in couch looking very uncomfortable. I greeted everyone and made my way over to her appearing surprised to see her there. I gave her one of my best smiles and stood in front of her.

"You look fresh" I said with a smile. She rolled her eyes at me something I felt she would be doing a lot.

"Hi Blake" she said taking me by surprise. I chuckled. How the heck did she know my name?

"So you know my name, huh?" She rolled her eyes again. I think she'll be doing that a lot today.

"Who doesn't?" She snapped and I smiled and sat next to her.

"You're... Tine, right?" I had to play my cards right if I didn't want to blew this away "you look like you don't belong here" I commented. She snorted.

"Yes, nice to meet you" she remarked harshly ignoring my comment and stretching out a hand to shake it with mine. I took it and looked at her deeply in the eyes. She was hot; brown hair falling down all the way to her lower back, curvy as fuck and very nice brownish eyes.

"Same" I said blinking fast trying to un-cloud my thoughts. I was going to say something else but Corey came over laughing loudly.

"Hey Blake" he looked at me "who's the new cutie? Never seen her around here" he grinned and gave her his hand, she placed her in his and he kissed it. We were all playing a part in this bet.

"She's Tina and get your own Casanova" I snapped her hand out of his and held hers afterwards.

"Alright, alright" Corey winked at her "we're going back to the house, coming?" I looked at Tina and then Corey.

"No, go ahead" I looked at her again "let's get out of here" I said standing up. She followed right behind. What a good girl.

"Where are we going Blake?" She asked when we were walking towards the door.

The night was windy and humid, typical Florida. I was wearing denim which really sucked because it can get pretty hot.

"We're going to the cafeteria" I answered her question once we were in front of my car.

We drove in silence. She looked uncomfortable or maybe just nervous and I was trying to sober up and drive in straight line.

The Bet I LostOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz