~*Chapter Three*~

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"I'm headin' out, where's my key?" Luke spoke up and extended his hand for the car key. Kyle searched his breast's pocket and produced the key for Luke. Luke didn't say anything and walked out the bar. I'd already disliked his attitude, even he was hotter than Channing Tatum didn't change the fact he was a jerk. I knew I had only met him once and I shouldn't make quick judgement, but I told you before that I was good at reading people. He's a jerk and I knew it.

"I should probably go too, it's getting dark and I need to check in the hotel. Is my car ready?" I stood up, brushing off the invisible dirt on my pants. I stepped out from the booth, waiting Kyle to do so. But instead he smiled apologetically at me.

"About that...'


I was wondering if I was meeting Hades tonight.

I was in the monster truck again, clinging to the seat like my life depended on it. I didn't realized the noise of huge flags fluttering and snapping in the breeze before when Kyle was driving. He seemed to be the perfect distraction, but since the driver was different. Every reality came back double. My body was nearly pressed up against the window when it turned, and the radio blaring out a song about a man's head was stuck in the fence. I glared at the idiot, who hung one wrist over the steering wheel, completely unconcerned that the huge tires were rubbing out against the rocky road with increasing acceleration.

I rechecked my seatbelt, hoping it was strong enough to hold me back when he decided to drive directly towards the tree. I have no doubt he'd do that, he basically would do anything. I placed both hands back on the dashboard, I'd only noticed a funny-looking doll with huge breasts and big ass was jiggling with the truck. I gulped, "can't you drive any faster?" It was supposed to be a sarcastic remark, but it wasn't for the pink hat cowboy.

Luke shot a glance over at me, raising a brow before the truck was picking up speed even faster. 

"It was an expression! Slow down!" I pratically yelled over the loud music, digging my nails onto the seat. I didn't want to die, I was sure that I didn't want to die next to this asshole.

The pair of baby blue eyes squinted beneath the brim of the pink hat before he pulled his gaze away and slowed down, but still it was still fast to me. I just had to hope he didn't run over a deer or something, I read somewhere that deer liked to kill itself by jumping in front of innocent drivers. You damned mammals, you better not jumped out because I would seriously suck your blood like the freaking vampire. 

The truck was still in constant speed and I couldn't help to close my eyes. I probably should demand that he turned around and took me back to the bar, but there was something about him that had me lost of words when Kyle told me hitch a ride with Luke to my hotel. His muscular body slouched in the seat, slowly stealing my breath from the lungs and the words from my mouth. I blamed Kyle for this, if wasn't for his mechanic friend, I wouldn't in this kind of situation that might cause me death. His friend completely destroyed my car, completely dettached everything. He claimed to misheard Kyle that I needed the car to fix. All I needed was petrol! Not a complete make-over. Now, I stuck in a ride to hell. Thanks a lot, Kyle.

Praying Luke wasn't some sex maniac that would take me into his love lair instead of dropping me at the hotel.

I glanced behind me, trying to find something in case he jumped on me later. But all I saw were empty beer cans and pizza boxes. Do you think I could hit him with a pizza box?

"You didn't drink, do you?" him being a dare-devil was enough, DUI was way off.

Luke's head snapped around, and his cowboy hat shifted up with his eyebrows. He reached over and turned down the radio. "I didn't."

"Good, I need to live longer and clean." I never had a record in my life, it wasn't good for my reputation and it might give my mother a heart attack.

His gorgeous eyes looked annoyed, "so what if I did."

"Are you serious?" My eyes couldn't get any wider, he didn't dare. He didn't reply and continue to drive fast.

"You can't be real! This is dangerous and it might kill us! I'm telling Kyle about this!" I tried to fish out my phone, but Luke stopped me. His hand was warm, slowly burning my cheeks. I snatched back my hands, crossing over my chest.

"Relax. You're such a drama queen." My brows knotted, frowning deeply. People should stop calling me that! I was not a drama queen, it called being responsible.

"I'm not!" My teeth rattled as the truck turned up a dirt road. It dipped and bounced over every rut and rock, jostling the empty fast-food cups and bags that littered the floor.

"We'here," he pointed at the small building in front of us. You called this a hotel?

"Thanks for the ride," I learned to jump out without falling on my ass, making a beeline to the counter.

"How may I help you, darlin'?" I furrowed my eyes, but decided to ignore her words. I told the brown haired women in a tight T-shirt with the words "This Is Real" strecthed across her large breasts. I doubted that, it couldn't be,

"It will be 50 per night. How long would you like to stay?" 

"Two." I tried to produce my wallet when realization hit my head like stone.

I left my wallet inside the car, my car that apparently being fixed somewhere in this big land.

I panicked, trying to come out something but it didn't happen. It wasn't a dream, and how I wished it would be a sick dream. Nightmare that came true, slowly eating me alive.

Instantly, my mind went blank.

Where was I? What was I doing here? Who I am?

"Well, darlin'?" I looked at the women in front of me, was she calling for me? Who did she call me darling? And her accent was weird, where was I again? My head hurt like shit, couldn't even think properly. I panicked even more, legs gave in and I could barely hold on anymore.

I was about to fall when a strong arm wrapped around my waist, catching me before I passed out.

A god-like man staring at me with his crystal clear blue eyes that hid under his brightly pink hat.

Pink hat?

Soon, everything came back and I quickly stood up straight. Luke looked at me weirdly as I cleared my throart, facing back to the woman.

"Do you think it's neccessary for me to pay after?" She seemed to be in dilemma, thinking deeply.

"It's okay, Kristen. I'll take care for now."

With that, Luke grabbed my forearm and pratically dragged me all the way to his truck. I yelled, trying to free myself. But he was too strong, almost crushing my bones.

"What are you doing?" I shouted, making noise in this peaceful night.

"My house." He threw me into the truck, closing the door harshly onto my face.

Oh shit, he IS a sex maniac and I was being mannapped!


                                                          ~*End of Chapter Three*~

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