~*Chapter Four*~

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                                                               ~*Chapter Four*~

Once again, I ended up sitting in this dreadful truck.

The truck bounced up and down everytime it in a hole, jostling the patience right out of me. I was hot, seemed like the heat wave hadn't fade. That jerk refused to turn on the AC because he wanted to save petrol, not like someone here decided to blast off his own petrol he stated. Asshole. My sweats had caused the front of my shirt to stuck against my chest, slightly showing my undefined muscle. I was insecure of my own body even I went to the gym regularly, I never went shirtless before, no matter how hot was the weather. I could feel the heavy-lidded look Luke sent from the side, staring at my chest. It made my heart race and my nipples to harden. To hide both, I jerked the hands off the dash and crossed my arms. He cleared his throat and focused back to the road. He wasn't getting anything from me.

For the next few miles, neither one of us spoke. It was fine by me, I didn't want to communicate with a going-to sex maniac. Still, his silent had my insides being jarred out. Everything felt like high school again, when you sat across the field and you knew there was no typical boy was watching at you and you couldn't look up because you didn't dare to. That's what I was feeling. High school all over again, but there's no one could be any hotter than this ultimate version of western Channing Tatum.

I'd finally lost it, "so..."

The truck's tires suddenly locked up and skidded a few feet away when Luke slammed on the brakes. I yelled, clinging to whatever I could hold on to.

"What the hell?! You scared the bejesus out of me. Why did you do that for?" I looked up and met his wide eyes, completely looked shock too. We're able to breathe back to normal and I realized I was hugging Luke's arm, letting it go when he took back.

"Whatever," he gunned the truck, and it took off again, this time it was moving slowly. I sighed in relief, knowing I wouldn't be dying tonight. 

I wasn't letting him off the hook just yet, how was he trying to prove? That I was a timid person?

"Are you mentally retarded? How on Earth you stopped all of the sudden and drove off like nothing happened. Kyle should know about this," I saw him shifted when the mention of Kyle. He was afraid of him? Ha, that's epic.

He was still ignoring me, acting all serious like he was piloting the plane. I decided to use my last weapon, stared until he wavered.

I began my attack as I leaned towards him, staring at his handsome face without blinking once. I supported myself with the strength of my arms and kept on staring at him. I got the upper hand because he couldn't escape the deathly stare of mine, but the down side was I was getting all horny just by looking at his damned face.

Imagine what happens if I take a peek at his body.

"Sit down!"

His hand came and it forced me to my seat. I hit my back against the door which it burned and I yelped, completely dazzed by the fact the truck turned a sharp right. Instantly, it stopped. Whimpering my pain, I shot a glare at the asshole. He was furrowing his eyebrows, one hand clutching on the steering wheel and one on my stomach. I was about to scold at him when he stared back at me from across the worn-leather. The sparkle of moonlight highlighting his sky eyes, dusting his long lashes, and reflecting off the sliver flecks in his eyes.

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