~*Chapter Seven*~

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- Tell me what you feel!

~*Chapter Seven*~

"Drink this, it'll warm you."

I muttered a thank under my shaky breath, taking the glass from Oliver. He smiled and walked off, heading to another table to serve. I drank the glass of hot coco in one go, bearing the burning liquid ran down my throat. I was shivering and I couldn't care less. I put down the glass and rubbed my forearms frequently, hoping to warm myself up. I had changed into a new set of clothes given by Kellan, it was too big for me but I could manage without letting the pants to drop.

The rain was pouring, glancing out the window as I sighed with my palm holding my chin. I couldn't believe I had lost my control just now, completely made a fool out of myself. I was weak and stupid, still depressed over something insignificant. I felt bad for Luke, for him to see this bizzare side of me.

And looked how far was he avoiding me now.

I snuck a peek at Luke in his waiter uniform, his pink hat stood out the most. I wondered why he picked the girliest color in all the land? Although the world was changing, but seriously, a hunk with a pink item? I looked at him the longest, watching his every movement. How his bices flexed under those tight sleeves and his chocolate bar pressed against the table when he was wiping the table. If this was his intention to make me felt horny, he could win an Oscar.

The weather was still frigid as I asked for a cup of hot lemon tea, thanking the waiter behind the bar. I took a sip as I watched over my back towards the front door, Kellan was laughing like nothing had happened. He just punched Jasper square on the face and he acted it was a normal thing, what even weirder was he was laughing with Jasper himself. They were standing side by side, talking cheerfully over the rain. Arms on shoulders, they were friends all over again.

Damn, this was a crazy land.

I felt bored as I returned my gaze on Luke, who was now cleaning another table. Apparently, instead of Kyle; Luke, Jasper, Oliver and Stephan were too worked as waiters in this bar. Jasper and Stephan worked the morning shift, Luke and Oliver were afternoon shift and Kyle with another stranger were the night shift.

Luke had loosened the first button of his shirt, sweat glistening under the fluorescent light. It lightened his tanned body, flashing his baby smooth skin. I wanted to lick it and I was shameless to say that because I wanted that to be mine. He was hot, no doubt. And I should have known to go away, but he was really luring me into his sexual desire trap even without trying.

I was the fish, waiting for me to rise to the bait.

Sipping the last drop of tea, I didn't dare to leave him yet. I meant, I couldn't. He had a strong attraction, a magnet that consisted the South Pole to my North Pole. He was the hotness that could melt my coldness, my frozen love. I shrugged the absurd feeling off, looking at his body again.

I thought I had seen it all, but I was wrong. It was a crime against fashion for him to wear the uniform so perfectly, not a single flaw. It hung on his defined body smoothly, like blanket of water wrapping his body. Even so, his bices were throbbing to be released behind thos tight sleeves. I wanted to free the fire in my mind as I was stupid enough to look further down. I blushed when my eyes met it, his package.

Yes, I did fantasize about his junk and I wasn't afraid to admit it.

In a quick moment, I was caught red-handed as Luke felt someone was looking at him. He turned around and our gaze locked. Luke's winter eyes broke my soul. He didn't flash his arrogant smile, no more shameless smile that said 'Hey, wanna fuck'? I didn't break the gaze off, I didn't want to. But it was him the one that broke it off, returning to his boring job.

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