#38 bad seed

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Merideth finished putting her things away. Her mate was to return on this night he had been away a lot these past months. And the days he was there she could not control her wolf enough to convince him they spent almost every waking hour in bed. She new she had to do something fast before he came home.

It had been years since she made this call she had thought her father crazy for what he done to obtain his power. A sin nobody but the near family new of her father made sure of that, every one was told that his sister Fatima and her mate Damien Sr. And their 18 yr old son where murdered on the eve of his wedding same night he would take the title of Alfa. Leaving her father Traivon as the next in line. She had stopped speaking to her father not because of the murders she understood the need for power but she would not speak to him after he betrayed her mother with Darcy who gave him De Angelo her bastered brother he must be about twenty now.

The phone rang several times before she got an answer.

Unknown person: Black Moon Pack. How may I direct your call.

Merideth: Put my father on the line

Unknown person : I'm sorry miss but may I know who your father is?

Medideth: Your Alfa you bitch put him on now!

Unknown person: Yes Miss so sorry ....

Merideth's Pov.:

Can't get any where with the help here. Stupid girl I'll have my father whip her for her insolence.

Traivon : Darling you finally call. And what may I say I owe this honor to.

Merideth: Daddy please. I need something.

Traivon : Why does this not surprise me. Please go on what does my baby need.

Merideth: Father enough with the sarcasm. As you know the pure bloods have soiled their lineage. Striker the all mighty Alfa of the Lupus Silver Pack has marked his whore and adopted his bastard grand daughter.

Traivon : Well family is important.

Merideth: You weren't singing that tune when you slaughtered your sisters family to gain the title along with the power you now hold daddy.

Traivon: You will shut up about that.

Merideth: Then you will help me.

Traivon : Fine!

Merideth: Good it's settled I will call you. Oh and Daddy I may need you to find a wolf for me he's crucial to my plans and daddy when you do find him keep him safe and hide him for me.

Traivon: And may I know the name of my soon to be guest.

Merideth: Faze.

Traivon: That-low life. Merideth he's filth.

Merideth: Yes daddy I know but I need him. So how's mommy still depressed after she caught you and your whore.

Traivon: No. I convinced her I was drunk when I did what I did. I sent Darcy and my son away but visit them often.

Merideth: Oh daddy does any one know of your son. We wouldn't want any one trying to kill your future Alfa.

Traivon: Do not threaten your father. De Angelo is your Brother.

Merideth: Do not try and use your Alfa voice! It does not work on me do you forget I know you ain't a true Alfa.

Traivon: Fine do not threaten your Brother.

Merideth: Ahh the plot thickens may I dare to believe you are no longer interested in Darcy I mean you worry about your son but no mention of Darcy.

Traivon: You may assume that. You know these she wolves are nothing but a moments passion and temporary satisfaction the only one that truly can keep you is your mate.

Merideth: And how is mother these days..... Does she talk to you yet.

Traivon : In all honestly child it matters not to me if she talks to me or not as long as at the end of the day she still sleeps in my bed.

Merideth : You are such a pig.

Traivon : And you are one to talk. Honey the apple don't fall to far from the tree. You are your fathers daughter do you forget in your blunder to kill your competition you killed your little lover ... And I do believe he was not even your mate. See you are just as bad a seed as your good old Dad.

Merideth : Shut up! Shut up! I loved Daunte he was mine!

Traivon : He was not dear child the moon goddess did not chose him as your mate.

Merideth: Then the moon goddess made a mistake.

Traivon : Well enough don't go getting your self upset now he's dead and there is not a thing we can do about it..... Unless you know how to bring him back.

Merideth : Not exactly. He has an off spring I want her dead I also want to kill Striker and his new Luna.

Traivon: And what will I get out of this?

Merideth: Daddy dearest our world will need a new king need I remind you mother is a pure blood. There for it leaves it to me. And daddy if you help me I'll leave it to you and when you retire just give it back. You see we will be the next in line for royalty. You will be the next king.

Traivon : Hum... so tempting. But what if we don't succeed. They will kill us for treason.

Merideth : That's why Daddy we don't get caught. We hire us rogues.

Traivon : And how do you assume we do that.

Merideth : Faze. That's why I need him make sure no one sees you with him. If all goes bad they hunt him and kill him. Better yet we kill him our selves and you can be the Hero that caught little Bella's tormentor.

Traivon : I like that. I think my child you to be truly wicked.

Merideth : I had a great teacher.


Ok this is all because of your comments I'm loading again hope you enjoy wow all these surprises I'm writing and as I'm going along I my self am surprised I love this brain of mine. Ok Angeles and I Lety say see you and Enjoy.

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