44 ~ Where is Hope?

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The next morning I found myself struggling to get out of bed. Despair itched at the corners of my brain, threatening to break past the thin veil of Hope sheltering my thoughts from turning dark.
It was only when K1-B0 knocked on my door that I forced myself up, only to prove I wasn't dead more than to see him.
We went to breakfast and I didn't eat a lot. The party was meant to happen later that day, but I found myself not really wanting to go.

Kokichi found me after breakfast, wandering the grounds with a blank look.
"Alex, you need to do something for me." He said.
"What." I replied blankly, not bothering to look at him.
"Are you actually going to listen to me?" He asked, surprised.
"Sure, whatever." I said.
"Aw man, the fun's gone now." Kokichi sighed, "But you need to get Miu to do something for me."
"Why Miu?" I asked.
"Because her talent is useful." He sighed.
"Mine isn't?"
"Mmmm..." Kokichi inspected his fingernails, "Not really."
I sighed.
"Not like I care, anyway." I said.
"Wooow, does Alex actually not care about me? I never thought I'd see the day when Alex Okari didn't care about meee! Does that mean you won't fight me anymore?" He asked. I shrugged.
"So does that mean fiery Alex is dead? Are you never going to try and put me back in my place again? Wooow, Angie's murder must have done a number on you!" He said.
"Don't mention her." I replied.
"Why not? Is Angie still a sore spot? Do you miss your unofficial girlfriend? That's so saaad! It's like a story from a terrible light novel series or something." He wiped an imaginary tear from his eye, "So saaad."
"Stop it, Oma." I began walking away but he followed.
"Let me ask you a question, Alex. Would Angie want you to be so sad all the time? Or would she want you to feel Hope?"
"You don't know anything about her."
"Oh, but I do."
"No you don't. Leave me alone."
"That's the thing I'm not going to dooo!"
"There was one component in her murder you missed, ya know."
"Stop it."
"Do you want to know what it was?"
"I was involved in her murder as well." Kokichi pressed his finger to his lips menacingly, glaring up at me from under his hair.
"I said stop." I said, the rage building up.
"Korekiyo took the bullet for me. He planned the murder, he told me all about it, and when it came to the night, I was the one that stabbed Angie."
"But it was Korekiyo who dealt the killing blow. So I stayed innocent."
"I said stop!" I shouted, launching myself at him. We both fell to the ground and I pulled him up by his shoulders, seeing red, the rage blinding me. A strangled scream escaped my throat as I slapped him in the face, my hands clenching hard, tight on his shoulders, unthinking, unfeeling, a ball of hatred-
And then I felt myself hit the ground.
Kokichi's hands were holding my arms down, his legs kneeling on mine, his face hidden behind his hair but a twisted, terrifying look on his face. He was breathing hard.
"Are you feeling an emotion now?" He gasped.
"Get off m-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because Kokichi suddenly looked at me, really looked at me, his purple eyes blazing with a fire I had never seen in him before.
"Why is it everyone else's job to fix you?" He yelled.
"Why is it your job to mess with everyone? Why do you lie all the time?" I replied.
"Why don't you have any agency for yourself?!" Kokichi said.
"Why do you care so much?" I struggled to get out from under him but I couldn't, he was weighing too heavily on me.
"I care because you're doing exactly what Monokuma wants you to do!" He said, voice suddenly quiet.
"That's funny. I would have thought you'd be working with that bear." I laughed grimly.
"I would never work with such a vile creature." Kokichi replied.
"You aren't any different to Monokuma." I replied, sneering.
"You stubborn asshole." Kokichi finally let me go, standing up and glaring down at me. The sun shielded his face from my view but I could tell he was disgusted by the tone of his voice. He didn't waste any time and walked away, leaving me alone in the grass, heart pounding, face red with anger.

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