32 ~ Trial

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Entering the trial grounds for the first time was nerve wracking. I looked at everyone, mentally ticking off names in my head of who could or couldn't have done it. I saw a few people looking at me, as well, some with suspicion, others with pity.
As we took our places, I noticed a flash of green from across the room.
He stood meekly in between Miu and Kaede, but his face was that of someone who was completely at ease. He didn't look worried at all, even though he could be pinned as a suspect.
Monokuma got all of our attention and explained the rules.
And then, the class trial began.
"It's Rantaro!" Tenko suddenly announced before anybody else could speak.
Instead of being shocked or worried, however, Rantaro just nodded to himself, like he knew this was going to happen.
"He escaped from his room, and has been missing ever since! Who knows what that degenerate male's been up to?" She shouted, glaring at him.
"Now hold on just a second, Tenko. We don't have eviden-" Shuichi was cut off.
"It's fine, Shuichi. I'll take it from here." Rantaro sighed and leaned forward on his podium, resting his arms on the edge of it. "I know none of you trust me. I don't seem like a very trustworthy person, do I?" He shrugged, "However, I can tell you one thing, and that is that I was nowhere near the dormitories during the time of the murder. In fact, I was on the opposite side of the school, and I have an alibi."
"An alibi..?" I gasped, furrowing my brows.
"Who would be your alibi," Korekiyo asked, "If everyone was at the scene of the crime?"
"You were at the scene of the crime five minutes after it happened." Rantaro said, "At the time of the crime, I was with Kaito." He said.
"Kaito!" Shuichi looked shocked, turning his head to the tall boy. "What were you doing with Rantaro?"
"Ah, looks like I'm up." Kaito grinned and scratched the back of his head, "Well, I wasn't so much with Rantaro. I was actually going for a jog around the school for training and ran into him." He grinned.
"Tensions were running high." Rantaro stated, relaxed smile on his face, "I almost got beaten up."
Kaito laughed.
"Yeah, we were in a war of words before the announcement." He said, "If we hadn't been interrupted fists woulda started flying."
"You shouldn't just beat people up, Kaito." Kaede frowned.
"Yeaaah, Kaito." Kokichi crossed his arms, "You shouldn't beat people uuup."
"Weren't you beating people up a few hours ago?" I asked him.
"I was ambushed!" Kokichi yelled, "By Shuichi!"
"I don't think this is relevant right now." Shuichi said.
"Oh no, it's very relevant! Shuichi, why would you beat me uuup? That was so rude, and out of character too!" Kokichi whined.
"That's enough, Kokichi." I warned.
"I mean, all I did was tell a joke!" Kokichi paused, and then the sinister grin plastered itself on his face, "Could it be...were you trying to protect your beloved Kaede?" He asked quietly.
"That's irrelevant!" Kaito shouted. Shuichi had looked away from us, but I could see him blushing.
"You do, don't you! Oooooh!" Kokichi began singing, "Shuichi and Kaede, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-"
"Kokichi!" I yelled, "Stop it!" He paused, and looked up at me slowly, good mood gone.
"Aww, is Alex still upset about little old Angie?" He paused, "Well, you're going to be even more upset when I tell you I killed her."
"...What?" I asked.
"Yep. Killed her in cold, cold blood while you were knocking on your own door! Oh yeah, I was the one who stole your keys, as well." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a keychain, with a little avatar of myself attached, showing it was mine.
"You...killed Angie?" I asked again. The rage boiled deep inside of me, but I wouldn't let it escape. If I did, I had no idea what I would do.
"Wait, that's not right." Tenko suddenly spoke, and all eyes turned to her, "Because Kokichi was asleep when the murder happened. In his room." She looked at me, "Don't you remember? You were trying to get him to pick the lock on your door."
"True, I could have been asleep in my room." Kokichi looked over at her, "Or I could have taken so long opening the door because I was getting from Alex's room to mine."
"And how would that happen?" Tenko asked.
"Simple. I used the vent system." He said, shrugging nonchalantly.
"We don't have a fuckin' vent system!" Miu shouted.
"Yeah, we do." Kokichi looked over at her, deadpan, "I know because I used it, dumbass."
"D-d-d-d-dumbass? I-I'm not a dumbass!" She mumbled, trying to regain her confidence.
"Oh, but you are. You're the biggest dumbass of them all." He shrugged, "Anyways, back to me murdering Angie."
"Kokichi, if you're lying..." Shuichi glared at the boy.
"Then it'll force you to think harder about the case. Win-win situation." Kokichi smiled at all of us, "That is, if I'm lying in the first place."
"How come you didn't have any blood on you when you opened the door?' I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Easy. I changed clothes." Kokichi replied.
"And how did you know about this vent system in the first place?" Tsumugi asked.
"Well, when you've got as much free time as me, you find ways to...amuse yourself. I decided to search my room to find anything that could stop this game. Instead, I found a vent." Kokichi grinned, "To my surprise, it was big enough to fit me, so I began to crawl through it, and found that there was a vent in everyone's rooms! It was like a TV, there were a ton of shows on every night." He laughed.
"So you aren't just a degenerate male, you're a pervert, too!" Tenko yelled.
"I didn't give you permission to watch me! Just because I have a rockin' bod doesn't mean you should spy on it!" Miu shouted.
"Oh, calm down you two. Seeing Miu would make me vomit, and Tenko would have heard me breathing, she's so addicted to tracking down 'degenerate males'." He rolled his eyes, "I was more interested in Kee-boy."
"M-Me!?" K1-B0 asked, mortified.
"Yeah, yeah! I wanted to see if robots really did have di-"
"That's enough, Kokichi. We have a case to solve." Shuichi interrupted.
"Awww, I was having fun." Kokichi whined.
"Let's start by talking about the murder weapon." Shuichi began, "We know the murder was done by strangulation, but there were also multiple lacerations to her body. These lacerations were made by one of the tools in her belt. I found one of her sculpting tools in the shower." He explained.
"So they just let it be?" Kokichi asked, "But Alex got us out of our rooms at 11:30 and we found the body at 11:40. Why wouldn't they take the time to fully clean it?"
"The culprit would have been in a rush. And my guess is that Angie wasn't quite dead when Alex knocked." Kaede said, "And she must have started kicking up a fuss. That was when the culprit strangled her."
And then we got into the room." Tenko said.
"And they ran out of time." Shuichi finished.
"Wait, but how did they even escape, anyway? If we came in after they had strangled Angie, then there would have been nowhere for them to hide." Tenko said.
"And that's where we run into our problem." Kaede sighed.
"I have a few ideas on how they might have evaded detection, but they aren't anything solid." Shuichi said.
"It was Himiko!" Kokichi suddenly spoke up.
"Nyeh?!" Himiko reeled backwards, shocked.
"She can use magic, can't she? So she coulda used an invisibility spell to hide herself until everyone arrived!" He glared at her, "Himiko, how could you?"
"Hey, leave Himiko alone!" Tenko shouted.
"I-I-I didn't d-d-do anything!" Himiko stammered, looking around at everyone.
"No, there are other ways it could have been done." Shuichi said, "For one, when I was investigating Alex's room, I saw the cupboard door had been opened, and all of their clothes were pushed to one side." He said, "I also found dried blood underneath the bed, but that could have been Angie."
"Hey, why aren't we suspecting Alex, anyway?" Kokichi asked.
"Huh?" Kaede frowned at him.
"I mean, Alex could have killed Angie, came to my room and pretended they lost their keys." He shrugged.
"But why would Alex do that?" Miu asked. "If they were gonna fuckin' kill anyone, it'd be Kokichi!"

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