3 ~ The Killing Game

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A brief second passed, and then all the Monokubs threw their arms into the air in celebration.
"Daddy's finally going to explain!"  Monophanie cried out.
"Yeah!  Go Daddy!"  Monotaro added.
"That's right, I am the one, the only,"  He paused for dramatic effect, "Monokuma!  Nice to meet you bastards."
"Hell yeah, another fuckin' great entrance from Daddy!"  Monokid yelled. 
"My wittle cubs, you're just as cute as ever!"  The bear named Monokuma seemed to start shaking, "I just can't help myself!"  Suddenly, Monokuma grabbed up one of the Monokubs and...began licking it?
A comically large tongue snaked out from his mouth and he began licking all of the Monokubs, one-by-one.
"You all are sooo cute!"  He said. 
"Wh-What the fuck is going on?"  Iruma asked, looking around at everyone for answers.
"The only god here is Atua~!"  Angie Yonaga brought her hands into a prayer position, "He says Monokuma is a liar!"  She suddenly threw her hands up into the air and laughed.
"Who is Atua?"  Gonta Gokuhara asked.
"Atua is God!"  Yonaga explained, "He tells me what to do, and guides me on the right path!"
"Isn't that just your conscience?"  Chabashira asked.
"No no no, Atua and my conscience are two seperate things!"  Yonaga grinned.
"Anyway!"  We all looked back to Monokuma, "I will explain the rules to you bastards.  But first, I will tell you what I want you to do! 
"It's become a little cliche at this point, since I've said it so often, but I want you Ultimate students to participate in a killing game against each other!  I'm sure most of you have taken a look around the school, so you realise you can't escape!  The wall surrounding the academy is unbreakable!  In other words, because you are trapped here..
"I hold authority over your life and death!"  Monokuma laughed loudly, as we all stood in shock, lost for words.
"So its kill..or be killed."  Amami suddenly spoke up.  I jolted back into motion and looked over at him.  His expression was scary.
"Why would I ever kill my friends!?"  Yumeno spoke up.
"Yeah!  A gentleman would never kill!"  Gokuhara stated.
"...But who said any of you were friends?"  Monokuma asked, "You were all brought here to target each others lives, and win the killing game. You aren't friends.  You're enemies."
I looked at everyone in the room.  They were all so nice.  I couldn't imagine any of them trying to kill.
"No way are we gonna kill anyone!  Even a degenerate male would know that!"  Chabashira yelled.
"I have a question."  Hoshi spoke up, looking at Monokuma, "How are we all supposed to kill each other?  Do we get weapons?"
The room fell silent.  Everyone stared at Hoshi.
"Yeah!  If I'm gonna kill someone, I don't wanna beat them with a spoon!"  Oma called out playfully.
"More importantly, what happens after we kill someone?"  Harukawa asked.
"Maki!"  Chabashira reeled back in shock, eyes wide, mouth gaping.
"How will you make us want to kill, I wonder?"  Korekiyo Shinguji asked.
"Wait, everyone!  This isn't right!  We're all meant to be friends!"  Akamatsu said, fear in her voice.
"Friends?  Haven't I already said that you're enemies?"  Monokuma chuckled, "The killing at this academy isn't as uncivilised as handing out weapons and hoping you all kill each other.  It's more intellectual than that.
"This game revolves around the Class Trial.  Hm?  What's that, I hear you ask?  Well, I leave it to my Monokubs to explain."  Monokuma pointed to the five colourful bears.
"When a murder happens, you bastards have to participate in a class trial!"  Monotaro said.
"In the class trial, you find out who 'the Blackened' is, and they get fuckin' executed!"  Monokid added.
"The Blackened, by the way, is the person who committed the murder.  It's your job to investigate the crime scene.."  Monosuke pushed his glasses up.
"And find the culprit among you guys!"  Monophanie finished, throwing her arms in the air.
"But if you choose the wrong person,"  Monokuma said, "You all get executed, and the Blackened wins!"
"So you cannot kill a person and simply get away with it."  Shinguji elaborated.
"Yep!  You gotta survive a class trial too!"  Monokid yelled.
"W-We get executed?"  Shirogane's face went even  whiter than before.
"But if nobody murders anyone, then we'll all be safe!"  Akamatsu said hopefully, looking around at everyone.
"Wooow, you're so optimistic, Akamatsu!"  Oma said.
"You can kill anyway, anyplace, and anyone you want, as long as you don't get caught!"  Monokuma roared, "Ah, this heart-pumping excitement!  This thrill!  It must mean that..A new semester of killing has begun!"  Monokuma laughed, but everyone else was silent.
"A new semester of killing...huh.  It's like..a game."  Amami was staring into nothing, eyes wide.  An airy smile drifted over his face, but it wasn't happy.  It was more..disbelief.
"To make us wager our lives..you're mad."  Shinguji said.
"But it's not boring."  Oma added quietly, his grin trying to hide behind the finger over his mouth.
"I..I absolutely will not kill anyone."  Saihara murmured.
"This is so wrong."  I stared at Monokuma, and his image wavered before my eyes.  What was happening?  Was this real life? 
Monokuma's laugh brought me back to reality.
"Oh, don't worry about whether you want to kill.  We're going to force you to do it, either way!  If not, then you all will die."  One of his eyes flashed red.  And within that flash, I couldn't remember much else.
The rest of the words he said tumbled together like alphabet soup in my head, and my ability to logically think seemed to shut down, leaving me a walking, talking mannequin, unable to think for myself.  I remember Akamatsu yelling something, but that was all.  Flashes of my memory came back to me; Amami coming over to me, Saihara and Akamatsu as well.  Akamatsu saying what sounded like kind words, but which didn't stick for very long.  Her putting a hand on my shoulder, leading me away.  My legs felt like they didn't exist, like they weren't a part of me.  Saihara and Amami talking about something, a few words thrown in by Akamatsu, then warm sunlight.  We walked for a bit in that warm, and then back into the cool again, where I saw my face on a plaque, up a set of stairs.

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