57 ~ Questions

66 4 0

So sorry for the massive gap in updates, guys!  I had a busy few days and haven't had time to do much on Wattpad!

My vision went white, and I stumbled a little, gripping onto the podium for support.
When it cleared, however, I heard Monotaro's shout.
"Waaaaah, Monosuke is dead!" He cried, throwing his hands up in the air.
"What the hell?" Kaito shouted, glaring at Monokuma.
"This trial is getting out of control! Normally I would let you bastards talk about anything, but I'm tired, so get this over and done with already." Monokuma sighed.
"What a fuckin' piece of shit!" Miu shouted.
"We need to get back on topic. What time was Gonta killed?" Shuichi spoke up, gaining everyone's attention.
"This morning, right? That's what we said." Kaede asked.
"Most likely." Shuichi said, "What alibis do people have for this morning?"
"Wait, that's not right." Maki spoke up suddenly, "How would anyone have the time to kill Gonta before breakfast? We all went to the cafeteria as soon as the announcement went off, right?" She asked.
"Also, the blood was dry when we found Gonta. It only took us about ten minutes to find him, right?" Rantaro asked.
"He coulda been killed during nighttime! Did nobody fuckin' think of that?" Miu grinned as if she'd made the discovery of the century.
"The pool's closed at nighttime." K1-B0 said.
"Dammit!" Kaito rubbed his head, "This is useless."
"We should look at something different instead." Kaede said.
"How about Gonta's cause of death?" Shuichi asked.
"Wel gave two possible options." Kirumi said, "Either he was stabbed or drowned."
"If he was drowned, what was the rope around his neck for?" Kaede asked.
"To trick us into thinking the cause of death was different!" Miu said.
"What is the culprit trying to hide by changing the cause of death?" Maki asked.
"I betcha it was so they could frame someone else. Like if Maki was an assassin, she wouldn't want to be caught, yeah?" Kokichi grinned.
"Wait, that's a valid point." Kirumi pointed to the purple-haired boy, "Maki has the skills to kill someone."
"Yeah, yeah! And Gonta's an easy target!" Kokichi said.
"I have an alibi." Maki replied, glaring at him.
"Plus, Maki would never kill anyone! I have faith in her!" Kaito grinned.
"She was with Kirumi, Miu, Kaede, Kaito and I at the pool last night. We were there until the nighttime announcement." Shuichi explained.
"But did she leave?" Himiko asked.
"I didn't see her leave." Kaede said, "She was talking to Kaito the entire time."
"I don't belieeeeve you! You can't trust an assassin. They're even better at lying than I am!" Kokichi said.
"Kaede believes in Maki, so I'll believe in her." Himiko murmured.
"Me too!" Tenko shouted.
"Kokichi's been missing for a really long time, anyway. What's to say he didn't do it?" I asked suddenly.
"Oooh, good observation, Aaalex." Kokichi grinned.
"It's true, though. Kokichi has no alibi for the time of the murder." Shuichi said.
"So it has to be him! Everyone else has alibis, right?" K1-B0 asked.
"Let's fuckin' get to voting, then!" Miu shouted, "I'll be happy to get rid of that shithead!"
"Hang on a second. We should investigate all possibilities." Rantaro said.
"Are you saying you don't think Kokichi is guilty?" Kirumi asked, tilting her head.
"We don't need to go over any fuckin' thing! Of course it was Kokichi!" Miu glared at Rantaro.
"Actually, I agree. We need to explore all possibilities." Shuichi said, "Beginning with the order of events."
"Fine then! We will use Kokichi as our suspect and explain things!" K1-B0 said.
"That would warp our understanding of the case." Kaede said, "We need to look at it from a plain slate."
"But it was Kokichi! Only a degenerate male would kill someone so violently!" Tenko shouted.
"No." Maki looked at Tenko, "We need to go over things without bias."
Tenko looked around, saw the faces of agreement, and sighed.
"Then let's go over the case." She said.
"We should start with whether Gonta was stabbed or drowned first." Shuichi said.
"Surely that much blood could only come from being stabbed first!" K1-B0 said.
"But the blood was only in one place, not spread throughout the pool room." Kaede replied.
"The culprit coulda cleaned it up!" Miu said.
"In the amount of time between Kaede, Maki, Shuichi, Miu, Kirumi and Kaito getting to the pool room and Gonta's presumed murder time, I don't think the blood could have been cleaned up." Rantaro said.
"So it was drowning?" Tenko asked.
"Nyeh, drowning is the worst way to go." Himiko said, pulling her hat down.
"What about the rope around his neck?" I asked.
"Gonta's heavy, isn't he?" Kaede asked. A murmured agreement went throughout the room.
"Then maybe they needed the rope to get him out of the water. Like a pulley system." She explained.
"The water is really shallow in the pool area, though." Maki said, "How would they have kept his head down for long enough?"
"They stood on it! I betcha they stood on it!" Kokichi grinned, eyes sparkling.
"Then our suspect is somebody who's strong enough to hold someone like Gonta down in water." Shuichi said, "The rules out Kokichi, Himiko and K1-B0."
"Hey, I'm strong!" Kokichi pouted.
"Ha! I'd like to see you try to fuckin' fight me!" Miu laughed.
"Aw, but I already know your weakness, airhead." Kokichi sighed, picking at his nails.
"H-h-hey, I'm not airheaded! I-I'm Gorgeous G-g-girl inventor, Miu Iruma!" The Inventor tripped over her own catchphrase.
"You know, as an Evil Supreme Leader, I need to have a lot of strength to fight all of my enemies." Kokichi said, "I may look small, but I could topple Gonta if I wanted to." His smile turned sinister.
"Is the water really deep enough to drown somebody? When I looked in it was pretty shallow." I said. Talking about the pool had my throat closing up in fear, but I had to work through it. I didn't want to die.
"Monokubs, take it away!" Monokuma cried.
"Eh? But I'm still mourning Monsuke!" Monotaro said.
"Monotaro, don't annoy Daddy! It'll be you next if he blows us up!" Monophanie cried.
"What? Why?" Monotaro threw his hands up.
"The ratings say the prettiest and most original should be last killed! Monodam is original and I'm pretty, so you're next!" Monophanie replied.
"THAT-IS-CORRECT." Monodam stated.
"Ehhhhh?!" Monotaro looked shocked, "but I thought I was the favourite!"
"The favourite always dies!" Monophanie replied.
"Waaaaah, I don't wanna die!" Monotaro wailed.
"Hey, get to the fuckin' point already! How deep is the pool water?" Miu shouted.
"Didn't you go in the pool yesterday, Miu?" Rantaro asked.
"Ha! As if! Everyone was so busy gawking at my gorgeous body that I didn't even feel the need to get wet, since, you know..." Miu began to blush.
"Hey, bastards!" Monophanie shouted, gaining our attention.
"The water in the pool is deep enough to swim, so it's deep enough to drown someone!" Monotaro said, his previous vigour returned to him.
"So somebody could drown Gonta." I said.

This case was unraveling, but at every turn another question was asked, another issue arose.
What was the culprit thinking right now?

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