35 ~ Closing Argument

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  "Wooow, that's sooo rude. Pinning the blame on me? What did I ever do to you?" Kokichi pouted.
"All the evidence points to you, Korekiyo." Kaede said. Korekiyo looked at her, and laughed.
"What evidence? The bandages? The space in the wardrobe? That could have easily been fabricated. After all, Kokichi was the one holding Alex's keys, wasn't he?" Korekiyo asked.
"Yeah, those were actually my keys." Kokichi pulled the keyring from his pocket again and swung it around his finger, "I just put Alex's avatar thing on it to make it look like they weren't."
"Why would you do something like that?" Tenko asked.
"For the fuuun, of course!" Kokichi grinned cheekily.
"All the evidence you have on me is simply circumstantial. There is no evidence it was me that committed the murder." Korekiyo said.
"That's wrong!" Shuichi shouted. Everyone turned to him. "We have one piece of evidence that points to you definitely being the killer." He looked at Kaede and she pulled a piece of material from her backpack. It was torn at the edges, and khaki green in colour.
"This was found in Angie's hand. As far as I know, only one person wears khaki coloured clothes in this group." Kaede looked at Korekiyo, "It's you."
Korekiyo began to shake more violently than he had before.
"T-That's not true!" He said. He looked around at everyone, desperately trying to find someone else wearing khaki. "Maybe somebody was wearing khaki underclothes!" He shouted.
"Excuse you, my panties are fuckin' black as Himiko's soul!" Miu yelled.
"My soul isn't black!" Himiko retaliated, "It's purple!...Maybe."
"Why purple?" Kokichi asked, "Is it 'cause you're secretly attracted to meee?"
"No! It's because purple is the colour of magic." Himiko blushed and pulled her hat down, her voice barely heard.
"Wooow, I didn't know that! Then I must be magical!" Kokichi turned to me, "Hey, Alex. I gotta try my magic out on you!" He threw his arms in the air and yelled out some mumbo jumbo, then looked at me. Slowly, his face fell and he sighed. "Awww man, it didn't work."
"What were you trying to do?" I asked, confused.
"That's not real magic!" Himiko said.
"Really? But I saw Sabrina the Teenage Witch do it!" Kokichi whined, "Surely she was telling the truth!"
"Sabrina the who-now?" Rantaro asked.
"Why did you kill Angie, Korekiyo?" Shuichi, once again, got us back on track.
"That piece of material could have been picked up from anywhere!" Korekiyo pointed to the cloth Kaede was still holding. He was shaking even more violently. I was sure he would eventually create enough friction to blast off.
"It was found in Angie's hand." Kaede said.
"B-But-" Korekiyo suddenly stopped shaking and pulled down his mask, revealing lips painted bright red. "Korekiyo, calm down. They do not have you cornered just yet." The voice was obviously his, but higher pitched, with a more feminine tone to it.
"What the fuck..?" Miu murmured, too shocked to yell.
"You can still survive this trial." The mask was pulled back up, Korekiyo returned to his normal posture, "Yes, sister." He regained his composure and looked us all in the eyes, one-by-one. "Somebody planted that material. After all, if I was to kill someone, I would not do it so...violently." He lowered his voice at the last word, sending a shiver down my spine.
"Sister?" Rantaro asked, looking at the taller man.
"Have you got some weird fuckin' incest shit happenin'?!" Miu looked disgusted.
"Korekiyo, we've already proved it was you." Kaede said, unfazed, "Please, for all of us. Just give up."
"But why should I give up when I'm innocent?" Korekiyo asked.
"Aw man, this is screwin' with my head!" Kaito groaned, rubbing the back of his neck.
"You aren't the only one." I replied, giving him an empathetic look.
"Hey, Shuichi. I think its time for you to explain the case." Kaede looked over at him.
"Huh?" Shuichi looked up at her, "Oh...ok."
He went silent for a few seconds, and when he looked up again it was with a fierce determination in his face.
"Earlier tonight, our culprit entered Alex's room with the keys they had taken from Angie, who had stolen them when Alex was injured. They began to make preparations for a murder which would hopefully confuse us all into believing Alex was the culprit.
"To prepare, the culprit made a space in the wardrobe for them to hide if the need arose, and wrote a note to the victim, Angie Yonaga, asking her to come to Alex's room after the motive video viewing. They planned to murder her and pin the blame on Alex, but this didn't work out.
"After the preparations had been made, the culprit went to the motive video viewing, hosted by Kokichi Oma. However, their plans had to change when everyone dispersed after the first video, causing chaos. However, as planned, the victim, after talking to Himiko Yumeno and Tenko Chabashira for a short time, went straight to Alex's room to wait. This was when the culprit's plan would come to fruition.
"They walked into the room when Angie's back was turned and closed the door so she couldn't escape. Then, they tackled her from behind, taking one of her carving tools from her coat to use.
"However, they weren't expecting the victim to fight back. A tussle occurred where the culprit was thrown off of her, and she ran to the door. However, she was injured. The carving tool had slashed her legs. She reached for the door handle but the culprit stabbed the carving tool into her hand, causing her to miss the door handle and hit the light switch instead. However, as this happened, Alex suddenly arrived, turning the handle of the door.
"This shocked both of them, and the culprit immediately ran to lock the door, catching it just in time. Knowing they only had a short amount of time left, the culprit slashed the back of Angie's neck to keep her silent, and dragged her to the bathroom, creating the drag marks on the floor.
"Then, to make sure the victim was dead, the culprit strangled her, then removed the bandages on their hands. They quickly disposed of the bandages and ran to the wardrobe, closing the door just in time for Alex, Kokichi and Tenko to discover the body.
"The culprit then left the wardrobe when the three of them were in the bathroom, making it look like they were the first on the scene.
"That culprit is Korekiyo Shinguji!" Shuichi finished, pointing to the accused.
Korekiyo was silent.
He was shaking again.
"Well? All evidence points to you." Kaede said.
"W-Well, how did Alex not hear Angie or me fighting in the room?" He finally stammered out.
"I'll explain that!" Monokuma shouted, "During night time, the rooms are completely soundproofed! It's part of our new technology. You can hear stuff from outside, but noise from inside can't escape!" He explained.
"That sounds a bit counterproductive." Himiko murmured.
"Well, us teenagers must want our privacy during the night hours, right, Monokuma?" Kokichi put a finger on his lip, and I didn't even want to think about what he was suggesting.
"So that's how they heard me opening the door." I murmured quietly. A sudden image came to the forefront of my mind unintentionally. Angie was probably yelling for help when I was trying to open the door.
Fuck, she had a chance to live.

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