28 ~ Disaster

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"This was a disaster."  K1-B0 frowned.
"All because of Kokichi..!"  Kaito clenched his fists and turned to where Kokichi had been, but he was gone.  "And that idiot won't even face me!"  Kaito shouted.
"Hey, calm down."  I put a hand on his arm but he shook it off.
"No, I'm not gonna calm down!  I've had enough of this!"  Kaito looked around the room, "Hear that, Monokuma!  We're all sick of this shit!  You better watch out!"  He yelled.
"Kaito, stop."  Shuichi said, "It's impossible."
"Impossible?"  Kaito raised an eyebrow, "The impossible is possible!  All you gotta do is make it so!"  He grinned at Shuichi. 
"That's enough, everyone.  I think it's best we all go to bed for tonight and talk about it tomorrow."  Kaede reached a hand out to Shuichi and he reluctantly took it, letting her pull him up.  Kaede said a quick goodbye to all of us and then left, Shuichi in tow. 
"Well then, I guess now's my cue to leave as well."  Kaito nodded to us before walking out of the room.
K1-B0 and I looked at each other, then at the pile of motive videos stacked in the corner.
"Should we dispose of them?"  K1-B0 asked.
"I think we should."  I replied, walking over to them. 
"Ah-ah!"  The Monokubs suddenly appeared, so close that I almost stepped on Monotaro.   I jumped backwards and screamed, glaring at them.  K1-B0 caught me, but he either wasn't prepared or strong enough for my weight because we both tumbled down, and I landed hard on top of K1-B0.  Groaning, I rolled off of him and sat up, making sure he was okay. 
"Damn this old person strength."  K1-B0 sat up and looked over at me, "Sorry, Alex."
"Hey, you should watch where you're stepping!"  Monotaro shouted, interrupting the moment.
"You appeared right under my foot!"  I replied.
"It's rude to talk back to the Monokubs."  Monophanie said.
"Frankly, I don't care anymore."  I'd had enough of them.
"Gah!  We made the bastard hate us!"  Monokid threw his arms in the air.
"Oh no!"  Monotaro yelled.
"Hating us is a good thing, Monotaro."  Monosuke said.
"What do you want, anyway?"  I asked.
"Oh, right!"  Monophanie turned from her brothers' fighting and looked at us.  "It's against the rules to destroy motives." 
"Yeah, that's fuckin' right!  You can leave 'em out, hide 'em, or stick 'em where the sun don't shine, but you can't fuckin' destroy them!"  Monokid roared.
"YOU-WILL-GET-PUNISHED-IF-YOU-DO."  Monodam suddenly spoke.
"Woah, he spoke again!"  Monotaro shouted.
"I'm gonna fuckin' bully him for that!"  Monokid laughed.
And then they disappeared.
"Well, what're we supposed to do with these, then?"  I asked, gesturing to the pads.
"Could we hide them somewhere?"  K1-B0 asked.
"If we hide them, that means someone could find them."  I stood up and brushed myself off, helping K1-B0 up as well.  We both stared at the pile.
"I could put them in my room."  K1-B0 offered.
"But if a murder happens, you'll be suspected."  I replied.
"But I can easily tell them I did not do it."  He said.
"It's easier to avoid that situation in the first place."  I looked over at him.  "Maybe we should just hide them." 
"That might be the best option."  K1-B0 nodded, a finger on his chin.
"Right, let's get to work then."  I walked over to the pile and picked up some pads, leaving the room.  K1-B0 followed me out and we began our search for hiding places.
The nighttime announcement went off as we searched, but we ignored it for the most part. 
Finally, we reached a secluded classroom in a far corner of the school, and I peered into one of the lockers.
"Don't you think that's a bit obvious?"  K1-B0 asked from behind me.
"I can't see anywhere else.  Can you?"  I replied, shoving the pads into the locker.
"I guess not."  K1-B0 reluctantly put the pads in the locker and I closed it.
"This is dumb.  Someone's going to find these."  I sighed.
"I believe you are correct."  K1-B0 replied.
"Ah well, out of sight, out of mind."  I spun around and walked off, K1-B0 following behind. 
"I am worried about this."  He murmured.
"If we can't destroy them, then we can't promise they won't be found."  I replied, shrugging.
"If you say so."  K1-B0 replied.

We both headed back to our seperate rooms, ready to sleep.  I climbed upstairs, weary, and went to turn the knob to my door, but it stopped halfway.
I immediately snapped back to attention and I felt dread form itself deep in my stomach.
Why was my door locked?
I shook the doorknob a few more times, but it wouldn't open.  It definitely was locked. 
Something was wrong.
Something was very wrong.

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