9 ~ Act 1 Ends

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8 O'clock rolled around quicker than expected. I had just finished helping Kirumi wash the dishes when, suddenly, I heard a strange noise from the monitor in the kitchen.
A cartoony video of people being killed played over some upbeat, strange music. The words '2 hours' flashed across the screen a few times before letting the video play.
"Hey Kirumi, sorry I can't completely finish, but I've gotta go. I said I would meet up with someone at 8." I hurriedly finished drying the dish I was holding and then hung up the tea towel.
"Do not worry, Alex. I will finish this on my own." Kirumi smiled kindly at me. I wondered how she wasn't worried over what was happening, but the thought disappeared as Kokichi's words came back into mind.
'He's going to kill you. Watch out tonight, Alex.'
I shook my head to try and ignore the thoughts and focused only on Rantaro. He had a card key. He could end the game. He would save us all.
But, what if..?

I quietly opened the door to the library that night and looked around for him. He was nowhere to be seen. Relief washed over me. Maybe I didn't have to commit to the plan. Maybe I didn't have to kill. I felt for the knife hidden on my person, and its cold metal met my fingers. I had taken it from the kitchen earlier in the day in a bout of anxiousness. But it was fine now. He wasn't here.
"Alex!" I heard the voice from behind me and immediately whipped around, tensing again. Rantaro was there. A million thoughts ran through my head but I quenched them.
Rantaro. Why did you have to appear?
"What? Oh, Rantaro, it's you." I smiled at him and he returned it, but it was tense. Slowly, we made our way to the bookcase, watching out for other people who could be hiding.
"Can I see the card key?" I asked when we were halfway across the room.
"I don't want to pull it out just yet, in case someone steals it." He murmured back.
"We should just get this over and done with." I said, and began making long strides to the bookcase.
"Alex, wait!" Rantaro grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back, "you don't know who could be hiding in here."
"Then let's just get this over and done with as fast as possible. All we need to do is find out who the mastermind is. So let's stop wasting time and go!" I grabbed his hand firmly and began leading him to the bookcase again.
"Alex..." The word meant so much more than just my name.
I went up to the bookcase, and Rantaro walked over and pulled on the book. Both of us watched as the bookcase slid open, revealing the hidden door.
And then.
A flash of light caught both our eyes.
"What the.." I walked over to inspect the shelf, confused. Was that..a camera flash? I quickly scanned every bookshelf, but suddenly, another flash blinded me and I bobbed down to see a small lens attached to a camera covered by books.
"Hey Rantaro, there's a camera over he-" As I spun around, a different kind of flash caught my eye. I instinctively dodged out of the way of it, but it sliced into my shoulder, and I could feel the blood staining my shirt. Panicked and with adrenaline running through my veins, I pulled my own knife out and went for him, but he dodged out of the way, and I slammed into the floor, the knife digging itself deeper into my shoulder. My vision swam but I still tried to stand, tried to fight back.
"I'm so sorry, Alex. I really am." Rantaro moved into my vision and grabbed the hand with the knife in it, twisting my wrist. Instinctively, I let go and, with regret and anger in his eyes, Rantaro lifted the knife. He was going to stab me. He was going to kill me. I felt hot tears stream down my face and heard my voice call his name in a croaky whisper, "Rantaro, don't.."
"I hav-" And then he looked behind him, confused. I could hear footsteps and people yelling, but I took my chance and managed to push myself up, grabbing the knife. Rantaro made a shocked noise and, with the last bits of my energy I took it out of his hand.
The clamouring of voices suddenly became louder. I could hear Kaede and Shuichi's voice, as well as some others. My vision was fading.
I heard a scream.
"What a surprise!" Kokichi's sarcastic voice.
That was the last thing I heard before I slumped against Rantaro's chest and my world went black.

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