22 ~ Rantaro

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He climbed off of me and bobbed down, reaching a hand out to help me up. I forced my hand to move and he took it, firm grasp reminding me of the day we had first met, when he seemed so nice. He pulled me to my feet and helped me to the bed, sitting me down. Then he leant himself against the wall next to me and waited, arms crossed, peaceful look on his face.
How did he always look so relaxed?
"What are you doing here?" I finally asked.
"Straight to the point, as usual." Rantaro smiled at me, but it was guarded. "How has everyone been while I was gone? I heard Kaede was having everyone walk around in pairs."
"What do you want?" I asked.
"You know, I almost got caught a couple of times. People wander into random classrooms more often than you might think. I don't even want to say how many lockers I almost knocked over climbing into them when people showed up." He laughed to himself.
"Get out." I said quietly.
"I'm glad you and Kirumi saved leftovers for other meals. I don't know what I would have eaten otherwise." He sighed.
"Rantaro!" I glared at him and he stopped talking and looked down at me, surprised. "Get out of my room and turn yourself in." I pointed to the door. Rantaro stared at me for a couple more seconds, then the smile returned and he relaxed again.
"I honestly didn't think you were capable of being so loud, Alex." He said. "You've always seemed like the quiet type."
"Stop changing the subject." I replied.
"You remind me of someone." He said.
"Why are you here?" He wasn't listening.
"Anyway, I need to explain some things to you. So I suggest you just relax, because I'm going to be speaking for a while." Rantaro shrugged.
"I have things to do." I lied, standing. If he wasn't going to leave, I'd leave.
"You should probably listen to what I have to say, Alex." There was a warning in Rantaro's voice.
"No, I really shouldn't." I walked towards the door and was about to open it when Rantaro grabbed my shoulder. But I shook him off and opened the door, leaving my room. He didn't follow.

"Hey, your arm's fixed!" Miu shouted when she saw me.
"Yeah, hopefully it's back to normal." I laughed, "I'd hate to have a bionic arm or something."
"That's robophobic!" K1-B0 yelled.
"A bionic arm would fuckin' rule!" Miu grabbed my arm and looked at it, "I could make ya one if you wanted."
"Ah, no thanks. I'm fine with this." I laughed awkwardly.
"Now that you are back in good health, I trust you can help me more with the preparation and clean up of food?" Kirumi asked.
"Yeah, sure." I replied, shrugging. It felt good to finally be able to shrug both shoulders again.
"Anyway, you were late to breakfast this morning." Kaede looked at me worriedly.
"Yeah, I slept in a little. Then the Monokubs scared me half to death." I laughed.
"The Monokubs are a pain." Himiko murmured.
"I agree with Himiko! I hate those things!" Tenko said.
"If I could fight 'em, I would." Kaito clenched his fists.
"Too bad then, Kaitooo. They've got big powerful Exisals, and you've got nothing." Kokichi said.
"You got nothin' either, Kokichi! I bet you want something big and powerful too!" Miu laughed.
"Oh, are you so sure I haven't?" Kokichi raised an eyebrow, finger on his lip.
"Ha! You're too small to even try and say that!" Miu began to cackle like a witch. It was kind of scary.
"Aww, Miu. You underestimate me. Would you like me to come into your room later tonight to prove you wrong?" Kokichi grinned.
"W-w-what?" Miu's face went pale and she began to sweat. "L-l-l-like I'd want yours, K-k-kokichi!"
"Oh, so you want Kee-boy's instead?" Kokichi chuckled.
"Please do not make comments like that!" K1-B0 shouted.
"Are you too afraid to admit it, Kee-boyyy? Everyone knows it already. You don't have a di-" Kokichi was cut off.
"Enough already! Leave them alone, Kokichi." Kaede stepped in between them, glaring.
"This isn't the time for your remarks." Shuichi added, joining Kaede.
"Aww man, you guys just have to ruin the fun. If now isn't the time, then when is?" Kokichi asked.
"Never." Himiko mumbled.
"Wizard girl speaks! Wooow, she must feel really determined to actually say something." Kokichi bobbed down to Himiko's level mockingly, "Hey, Himiko. Do you want a lollipop for joining the class discussion?" He asked.
"Nyeh?" Himiko looked up at him hopefully.
"Stop messing with Himiko!" Tenko butted in, stepping in front of the shorter girl.
"Come on, Tenko. It was just a joke!" Kokichi poked his tongue out at her and righted himself. "Soo, anyway. Now I've got everyone's attention, I have an announcement to make." He put his hands behind his head and casually leaned back on his heels.

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