33 ~ Suspect

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"Nice going, Miu." I sighed.
"What!? I just helped ya, didn't I?" She asked, glaring at me.
"Actually, maybe we should start suspecting Alex." Shuichi said softly.
"Huh?" I turned my attention to him, shocked.
"I mean, we should suspect everyone in this case, but we don't know if you're lying. Do you have an alibi?" He asked.
"Wha-?" I blanched.
"I need your alibi, Alex." Shuichi looked at me with steely determination, "Sorry, but I need to confirm your innocence."
"Well, I was with K1-B0 most of the night, and then we both went to bed, but I couldn't get into my room." I replied.
"I can attest to that. I watched Alex go up to their room." K1-B0 stated.
"Yeah, but didya see them go in?" Kokichi asked, amused.
"I didn't have my keys! Somebody stole them from me!" I glared at him.
"Someone stole your keys?" Maki asked.
"Yeah, when I first got my injury. Angie told me they had gone missing." I said, feeling a pang of pain as I saw the spot where she had once stood. It was only an image of her face now.
"Then whoever has Alex's keys is the one who murdered Angie!" Gonta shouted suddenly.
"Well, I have their keys, though. Do you think I killed her?" Kokichi asked, holding up the keys.
"Are you sure those are Alex's?" Kaede asked.
"Yes." Kokichi laughed, "Are you an idiot? I'm the one who stole the keys. Of course I know they're theirs."
"But he could be lying, you know." Rantaro said.
"True. I am a liar, after all." Kokichi smiled at all of us.
"But then, if he's lying about the keys, who really stole them?" Kaede asked.
"Whoever killed Angie." I replied.
"Aaah, this is so confusing! Why can't the culprit just come out and say it?" Himiko groaned.
"But where would the fun be if they did that?" Kokichi asked.
"Fun?" I asked quietly. "Is this a joke to you?"
"It's more of a game." Kokichi pondered, "And what fun is a game that nobody plays?"
"A...game?" Kaede asked.
"Kokichi's right! This is a game!" Monokuma yelled.
"So stop fuckin' stalling and get playing!" Monokid said.
"Otherwise Daddy's gonna get booored." Monophanie stated.
"And if Daddy gets bored, then you all get punished!" Monotaro finished.
"Ah, my wittle kubs! You're already acting so grown up, I can't stand it!" Monokuma put a paw to his chest.
"Then let's talk about me later." Kokichi waved a hand airily, "I want to know who murdered Angie."
"Didn't you just admit to it?" Gonta asked.
"He was lying." Rantaro replied.
"Why would he lie about that?" Gonta looked incredibly confused.
"It doesn't matter, Gonta. You're probably too dumb to understand it anyway." Kokichi sighed.
"If we can't figure out who took the keys..." Kaede interrupted.
"Then we should work out how they got in and out of Alex's room." Shuichi finished.
"What if they didn't leave?" Miu suddenly asked.
"Huh?" Kaede looked over at her.
"Don't 'huh' me!" Miu shouted, "Shuichi was fuckin' saying the culprit coulda hid somewhere!"
"That's true, but how would they leave without being noticed?" Tenko asked. "We were all inside Alex's room."
"Wait, that's wrong!" Shuichi pointed to Tenko, "There were some people who weren't. Kaito and Rantaro have alibis, but when we all heard the body discovery announcement, only Kaede and I went to the room first thing. Kokichi, Alex, Gonta, Korekiyo and Tenko were already there. Everyone else arrived after the investigation began."
"But how would they have come out from under the bed without us noticing?" K1-B0 asked.
"They might not have come from under the bed." Shuichi said, "They could have hidden in the wardrobe as well."
"This is like a twisted game of hide and seek." I murmured.
As the class trial continued, I found myself getting more and more tired. It was late, and my thoughts were getting fuzzy.
I looked up at everyone else. They were all tired too.
All except for...Shuichi.
Bright-eyed and with a burst of energy, I found myself watching him in awe. He truly was in his element, and his keen eye for details and willingness to refute arguments, whether it be friend or foe, was incredible.
Kaede was the only one who seemed to be fully keeping up with him. They were a team together.
They had each other, and didn't need anyone else.
I looked around at all my friends.
Angie was the person I was closest to having that kind of relationship with.
And now she was gone.

The trial felt like it went on for hours. I couldn't contribute much, because it seemed all the evidence I had picked up had also been picked up by Shuichi, leaving me with nothing of value to say. Finally, though, the truth came out.

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