16 ~ Lies

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"Woah, hey-"  Rantaro held his hands up in surrender, smiling awkwardly.
"Actually, why is he even allowed in here?  Shouldn't we kick him out for...well, you know."  Kokichi pointed to Rantaro.
"Kokichi, don't stir up trouble..."  Maki had a warning tone in her voice.
"No, he's right!  Why is Rantaro allowed near us?"  Kaito asked.
"Now that I think about it.."  Himiko pitched in, "I never put a spell on him to stop him from trying to kill again."
"I do not feel safe when Rantaro's around.  We should lock him up somewhere."  Korekiyo said.
"Wai-lock him up!?"  K1-B0 asked, "That's a bit far, isn't it?"
"If we lock him up, then he won't be able to reach anyone to kill them!"  Kokichi ignored K1-B0.
"I hate to admit it, but I think Rantaro is dangerous."  Gonta looked forlorn as he said this, as if he was condemning a close friend to death.
"Wait, guys.  I'm not going to kill anyone-"  Rantaro was cut off.
"We know you're a liar, Rantaro.  Remember what you said after Alex passed out?"  Kokichi's face shifted, and a terrifying aura surrounded him.
"What are you talking about?"  Rantaro asked.
"Oh, you don't remember?"  Kokichi grinned, "You turned to me after everyone left and said you wished you had killed Alex, didn't you?"
My stomach dropped.  I suddenly felt sick.
"Wha-I didn't say that!"  Rantaro argued.
"Oh really?  Because I also remember you saying you were only getting close with Alex to make it easier to kill them." 
A cold sweat broke out.
"I think I also remember you saying something else, but I can't remember right now..."  Kokichi paused and acted like he was thinking.  I felt sick.  I wouldn't have been surprised if I had actually thrown up at that moment, but somehow, I stayed on my feet.  I swallowed the bile.
"Oh, that's right.  You said you hated everyone here.  You lied to everyone, Rantaro!  You're even worse of a liar than me!"  Kokichi laughed loudly, the sound piercing through the silence that had blanketed the room.
"I didn't say anything like that! Maki, K1-B0, everyone...who are you going to believe?  A liar like Kokichi?"  Rantaro turned on the defense, trying desperately to get everyone on his side.
But the decision had been made.
Kokichi's words had won.
"What reason would Kokichi have to lie about you?"  K1-B0 asked.
"I wouldn't trust a degenerate male like him."  Tenko growled under her breath.
"Oh, one more thing."  Kokichi said.  "How can any of us trust a person who doesn't know what their own talent is?  Could he be hiding it from us?  Could he be...an assassin?"
The final nail had been hit into Rantaro's coffin.  He could only watch in dismay as everyone turned against him, unable to pull himself out of the hole that had been dug for him.
"We should lock him in his room and take the key!"  Korekiyo said.
"But he could always unlock it from the inside."  K1-B0 replied. "How about one of the classrooms?"
"None of the classrooms have locks."  Gonta said.
"Why don't we just lock him in a fuckin' cupboard?"  Miu yelled.
"I could create a barrier spell so he can't escape!"  Himiko said.
"Can I volunteer as a guard?"  Kokichi pitched in.  "If we have a guard, he can be locked in his room without worry!"
"I can offer my services as a guard."  Kirumi added.
"Me too!  I'll beat any degenerate male who tries to help Rantaro escape!"  Tenko yelled.

And so it was that Rantaro was locked away in his room, and a guard roster was worked out, including the names of all the volunteers.  I thought I was fine.  This was good.  Now Rantaro couldn't hurt anybody else.
But as he was taken away, he turned back to me, desperation in his eyes.  I felt something shift, and suddenly I was worried for him.  Would he be okay? 
Why did I care so much for Rantaro Amami?

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