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Final intermission before Act 2 is published!
There will be four intermission chapters between each act, with 5-6 shorts.  Two of those shorts will always be fluff or reader x character, and the other four will be random.
These are mostly so I can practise my writing but if you guys enjoy them then its a double win!

Himiko's Magic Show - A Short
A red curtain opens upwards to reveal a short, shy-looking girl with red hair and a cute witch hat.  She has a look of surprise on her face, as if she wasn't ready for the curtain to be raised.  A round of applause makes its way through the theatre but the girl only stares at the ground.  A few seconds of silence pass.  Somebody coughs.
"I thought we were here to see the Ultimate Magician..."
"Is she the opening act?"
Suddenly, the girl looks up at the audience and throws her arms in the air, and in a monotone, uninterested voice which doesn't match her body language at all, she shouts.
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to my magic show!  My name is Himiko Yumeno!"  She clicks her fingers and confetti rains onto the stage.  Face unmoving, she gestures to a large wooden box next to her.
"Today, I'm going to be doing some maaagic!  To start, I'll be sawing someone in half!  Do any audience members want to volunteer?"  She looks around the theatre, but no hands go up.
"She doesn't look too interested..."
"I wouldn't trust her with my food, let alone my life."
Finally, a hand goes up from the centre of the audience.  The girl's eyes light up and she points to the person, "You!"  
The person, a young lady wearing a pink vest, steps onstage and smiles around at everyone.  A few people clap, most murmur worriedly.
"What's your name?"  The magician asks.
"I'm Kaede Akamatsu."  The lady says, "I'm so honored to meet the Ultimate Magician in person!"
Himiko blushes madly and pulls her hat down.
"Anyway, we will now start the trick!"  She places Kaede Akamatsu in the box, and from behind it she pulls out a large, comically oversized saw, almost half the size of her.  Gasps go through the theatre.  
Himiko turns the box so that Kaede is horizontally facing the audience, the box in full view.  Slowly, the red-headed girl closes the lid on the box, showing the audience that there is no tricks.  Then, she lifts the saw, grunting from the effort, and lets it hover over the box, building tension. 
"I trust you."  Himiko looks over to see Kaede smiling at her sweetly.  
"Nyeh..?"  She freezes, the words taking her completely off guard.  
"Don't accidentally saw me in half, okay?"  Kaede laughs good-humoredly and turns back to the audience.  Himiko stands for a few seconds, unknowingly building the tension even higher, her hands shaking, until finally she snaps out of it and brings the saw down over the box, slipping it into the crack between the two.  
Slowly, she begins to saw, back and forth, inching ever closer to Kaede's body.
Then she was sawing through Kaede, and out the other side, the saw itself completely clean.  Himiko picks up two silver plates and slides them into the gap she cut with the saw.  Then, slowly, she pulls the two boxes apart from each other, showing the audience that Kaede is, indeed, cut in half.
"Surely she's an actor."
"There's no way that's real!"  
Himiko puts the boxes together again and slides the silver plates out.  Then she holds her hands over the box.
"I'm going to put Kaede back together now!"  She takes a second to breathe, and suddenly slams her hands on the box, hard.  It shakes under the force of her hand, and then she grips the edge of the box and lifts the lid, letting Kaede out.  Kaede sits up, looks around and blinks a few times, feeling around her abdomen.  Shocked, she turns to Himiko.
"How did you do that?"  She asks, eyes wide.
"It was maaagic."  Himiko replies.

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