19 ~ Fighting Fire

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A/N: This is Act 2's finale, which means Intermission!  Hope you guys enjoy it, and a reminder that any feedback would be appreciated!


I heard a knock at my door after Monokuma's announcement the next morning.
I hurriedly got dressed and took the chair out from under the door, opening it.
Kaede didn't say anything as she bustled into my room, pulling me with her.  I shut the door behind me as I went.  There was an air of urgency about her that made me nervous.
"Who was looking after Rantaro last night?"  She asked nervously.
"Um, Kokichi?  Why are you asking me?"  I asked.  Wasn't she always talking to Shuichi about this stuff?
"Of course it was him."  She sighed and pressed a hand to her temples.  She looked stressed.
"Why?  What happened?"  I asked.
"Alex, Rantaro's..."   She bit her lip, "He's escaped."
"What?"  Was the only thing I could come up with.
"Kokichi's been going around saying he saw you near Rantaro's room last night.  Everyone's really suspicious."  Kaede flopped down onto my desk chair, "Why is everything such a mess?"
"Aren't they listening to you?"  I asked.
"No, that's the worst bit of it.  They're all trusting Kokichi."
"But he's a liar!"
"He's a good actor, though.  Pulling all the sob stories out." 
"Surely Angie and K1-B0 don't believe him?"  I asked worriedly.  Kaede could only give me a sad look.
"Fuck."  I sighed, sitting down on my bed.
"That's right."  Kaede replied with a breathy laugh.  "How did we manage to get two crazy people in this group?"
"Good question."  I replied.  Both of us were quiet for a little while, and then Kaede jumped up in her chair.
"Oh, that's right!  I was going to tell you something!"  Kaede looked over at me, serious.  "Make sure you're always with someone from now on.  We don't know what Rantaro could be doing and I don't want anyone to be left alone." 
"Y-Yeah, sure."  I said after a silence.  Kaede immediately smiled again.
"Good!  That said, do you want to come to breakfast with me?"  She asked.  I nodded and she stood up, gesturing for me to follow her.  I did so, and as we walked out of the dormitories I looked to Rantaro's room.  The door was shut, and nothing seemed to be out of place.  Sighing, I ignored the feeling of dread in my stomach and went to breakfast. 
As soon as I walked into the cafeteria, though, a sight which both confused and angered me met my eyes.
Kokichi had paused mid-story as I walked in, wide smile plastered on his mouth.  Everyone else was listening to him intently as he had been speaking, but now they all turned to Kaede and I.  Kokichi's face immediately dropped.  He had been enjoying the attention.
"Care to explain what you were doing last night?"  Tenko asked, crossing her arms.
"Why were you with Rantaro?"  Himiko frowned.  She looked disappointed.
"Do you know something we don't?"  Kirumi tilted her head.
"Oh, I'm sure Alex does."  Kokichi's eyes flicked to me, warning me to keep my mouth shut.  I glared at him, but then something clicked.
'Fighting fire with fire will only make more fire.'  Kaede had said.
But adding fire to fire would make it take a shorter amount of time to burn out, wouldn't it?
"But it was you who went into Rantaro's room, wasn't it?"  I asked him, my plan set.  Kaede looked taken aback.  Kokichi's grin turned sour.
"Me?  I would never let a murderer like Rantaro out!  Why would you accuse me of something like that?"  Kokichi asked, the crocodile tears making another grand entrance.
"I'm not accusing anyone of anything.  I'm stating facts."  I replied, "And the facts are that I saw you go into Rantaro's room last night."  The lie, I hoped, wasn't about to be found out.  After all, only Kokichi could testify against me.
"So why were you hanging around Rantaro's room last night?"  Tenko asked.
"Don't you remember?  My room is upstairs from his.  Of course I would be near his room at night time.  I was going to mine." 
"I knew Kokichi was lying to us!"  Kaito yelled.
"A few seconds ago, you were hooked on every word he said."  Maki replied.
"Don't screw around!  I was tryin' to find a lie!"  Kaito muttered.
"Now that this issue is sorted out, shall we have breakfast?"  Kirumi asked, gesturing to the heaped plates of food on the table, "I have prepared a western breakfast, traditional breakfast, and some leftovers from last night's dinner for everyone."
"But what about Rantaro?  He's runnin' around free!"  Miu said.
"Atua will protect us from him!"  Angie replied.
"He's not going to attack anyone while we're all here."  Shuichi stated. 
"Plus, I've already told everyone to walk around in pairs from now on.  Anyone on their own is in danger."  Kaede said. 
"But I have nobody to walk with!"  Kokichi whined.
"Then stay in your room."  I snapped, walking to the table and taking a plate. 
"But it's booooring in there!"  Kokichi called out after me, but I ignored him.  Everyone else did, too, eventually sitting down to eat.
We had just finished breakfast when a familiar voice rang through the cafeteria.
"Good morning, bastards!" 
Miu screamed again, throwing herself into Tenko's arms.  Tenko, too shocked to be mad at her, just let Miu stay there.
"Monokuma!"  Korekiyo said.
"What do you want this time?"  Kirumi asked, exasperated.
"Oh, I don't want anything.  I'm here to give you something!"  Monokuma stated.
"What are you talking about?"  I asked.
"Did any of you see a pad like this in your rooms this morning?"  Monokuma held up what looked like a Monopad, but it was covered in a brightly coloured case.
"Oh, I did see something like that."  Kaede frowned.
"Gonta didn't touch his."  Gonta said.
"Aw, that's too bad!"  Monokuma sniffled, "Because this is the next motive!"
"That's a motive?"  Korekiyo asked.
"Hell yeah it is!"  Monokid's voice came from nowhere and everywhere, and suddenly all the Monokids appeared.
"It's a very important video which you should watch."  Monophanie said.
"And then you will feel true despair!"  Monosuke yelled.
"Monosuke, stop spoiling things!"  Monotaro hit the yellow bear on the head.
"Ow!  Monotaro, why did you hit me?"  Monosuke returned with a slap of his own.
"Hey, are you trying to start something?"  Monotaro shouted.  "I'll beat you, bastard!"
"Not before I beat you!"  Monosuke replied.
"You two need to stop fighting!"  Monophanie stepped in between them but, instead of trying to keep them away from each other, she hit Monosuke.
"I'm so fuckin' down for a fight!"  Monokid smashed the guitar he was holding and ran over to the other Monokids, joining the tussle.
"PLEASE-LET'S-JUST-ALL-BE-FRIENDS!"  Monodam walked over to try and calm things, but he was pulled into the fight as well. 
"Ah, my wittle kubs!  I love them so much."  Monokuma put a paw on his chest.
"You bastard!"  Monophanie yelled.  "Don't pull on a girls bra straps!"
"Get outta my way, bastard!"  Monosuke went for Monotaro.
"I'll kill ya because I fuckin' wanna, bastard!"  Monokid yelled.
"OW-OW-OW-OW-OW!"  Monodam said.
And then they disappeared.
"What the hell was that!?"  Kaito yelled.
"Fighting amongst siblings is a great way to become closer to each other!"  Monokuma said.
"No it fuckin' isn't!  What kinda backwards show are you running here?"  Kaito ran for Monokuma.
"Kaito!"  Shuichi stepped out from the group and stood in front of the boy, "Stop trying to fight him!"
"It won't woooorkkk!"  Kokichi grinned.
"This is all such a pain."  Himiko grumbled.
"Anyway, I suggest you all go to your rooms as soon as possible and watch them, before somebody takes yours!"  And Monokuma disappeared.
"Takes ours..?"  I asked quietly.
"Rantaro!"  Tenko leaped up from her chair, letting Miu slam into the ground.
"Ow-what the fuck's up with you?"  Miu whined.
"You think Rantaro took our videos?"  K1-B0 asked.
"It's a possibility."  Kaede replied.
"Then we should all go and check.  I assume everyone has locked their doors?"  Kirumi asked.  My heart dropped.
Damn it.

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