31 ~ Investigation

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I've got a (hopefully) happy surprise for you guys!  Because the class trial takes up a good portion of this act, I'm doubling its length so the story can progress a little!  Instead of ten chapters then intermission, it's twenty! Yay?

"Where's the case file?"  I shouted as I got into my room. 
Shocked faces turned to me.
"Wait, Alex-!"  I pushed past Kirumi and into the room, making direct eye contact with everyone.
"Where is the case file?"  I asked again, ignoring the open bathroom door.
"I-It's here, Alex, but I think-"  Shuichi was cut off as I took it off of him, turning it on.
"I'm helping.  I have to help."  I said, looking down.

The victim is Angie Yonaga, Ultimate Artist.  She was murdered at approximately 11:30pm by strangulation.  Other injuries include a stab wound to the hand and multiple lacerations on her legs and neck.

I reread it. 
Multiple lacerations.
"Whoever did this is a monster."  Kaede shook her head, looking down at me, "Are you sure you can do this investigation?"  She asked. 
I swallowed the bile that rose in my throat.  I could do this.  I could do this.  I could...I could...
"I will find who killed her."  I said, but I didn't sound as strong as I wanted to.  Kaede frowned at me, but let me go.  I shoved the case file into her hands and began to walk slowly towards the bathroom. 
Find who killed her.
Find who killed your friend.
I stepped into the bathroom and Angie's body suddenly seemed to be ages away, my vision tunneling until it was just me, and her, and nobody else. 
I blinked a few times, forced myself to ignore the pain, and stepped into the bathroom, kneeling down next to her body.
"Angie, I will find your murderer."  I whispered softly to her.
And then my own investigation began.
The most confusing thing about this case, I thought, was her time of death.  11:30pm. 
Kokichi, Tenko and I had gone into my room at 11:40pm, so how could the killer have gotten in and out of my room within ten minutes, without any of us noticing?
I spun around and began to search for Tenko and Kokichi.
As per usual, Kokichi was nowhere to be found, but Tenko was busy talking to Himiko, making sure she was okay.  Himiko didn't look too pleased to have been woken up.
"Tenko, can you tell me who was in my room when we first came in?"  I asked.
"Hm?  Me?"  Tenko turned away from Himiko and put her hands on her hips, thinking.  "I remember Kokichi, you, and me.  I don't think anyone else was in the room."  She thought a bit harder.
"What about when everyone arrived?  Who was there first?"  I asked.  Tenko frowned.
"I think it was...Gonta, Korekiyo and Kaede?"  She looked at me, "Do you suspect them?" 
"Gonta wouldn't hurt a fly."  I chuckled, but there was no humour in it, "I just don't know how the culprit escaped so quickly."
"Oh yeah."  Tenko said.  She frowned, "I wonder that too."  She began to walk away, deep in thought.  I watched her go and sighed.
Time to return to the scene of the crime.
As I walked back into my bedroom I took the chance to check the back of the door.
As I suspected, there were a few marks in the door, made by a knife or some sort of sharp object.  My brain immediately tried to come up with some horrific image of Angie struggling to leave as the culprit gained on her, all the while I was downstairs fighting with Kokichi, or even knocking on my door.  The tears came, and though I tried to swallow them down, they flowed freely, and I had to hide my face as I went back through to the bathroom.
"Ah, don't worry about coming back in, Alex.  I've investigated everything."  Shuichi had just been leaving the bathroom when I arrived. 
"Oh...okay."  I said quietly, glad I didn't have to see Angie's body again.
"Do you have any idea who did it?"  He asked me, worry on his face.
"No.  Tenko, Kokichi and I went into my room at 11:40, but Tenko said she didn't see anyone else in the room, and I can't find Kokichi anywhere."  I sighed, "Why can't everything just be straight forward?"
Shuichi didn't say anything.  I looked over at him to see he had his finger on his chin, thinking.
"Thanks for the information, Alex."  He wandered off, leaving the room.

Who killed Angie?
That was the question on all of our minds as the investigation ended.

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