24 ~ Enigma

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A/N: Just wanted to give a quick thanks to scxrletprxncess for always voting on my chapters, thanks for the support!

"Who gave you the equipment to lock-pick?"  Kaito asked, a vein popping out on his head.
"Oh, nobody.  I found it in the warehouse."  Kokichi pulled what looked like two pins from his pocket, "Ta-daaaa.  The tools of the trade!"
"Well, they're mine now!"  With a laugh, Angie reached over and tried to grab the pins out of Kokichi's hands, but he moved out of the way easily.
"Oh Angie, did you really think that would work?"  He asked, slipping them back into his pocket.
"Great, now he can get into everyone's rooms without asking."  I sighed, crossing my arms.
"We should lock him away like we locked up Rantaro!"  Tenko shouted.
"Hey, what's the point in that?  I haven't done anything.  If anything, having these lock-picks moves suspicion away from me.  What smart person would tell everyone about the skills they would use to kill?"  Kokichi asked.
"A smart person wouldn't, but a crazy person might."  Himiko murmured.
"Aww, you think I'm crazy?  Maan, that hurts my feelings."  Kokichi replied, "I'm gonna go.  Obviously I'm not wanted here."  He slowly made his way out, acting sad, but just before he closed the door behind him, he turned to us with his usual, goofy grin and slammed the door, making us jump.
"Who even is he?"  Kaede asked, staring at the door.
"An enigma."  Shuichi replied.  "An annoying one."
"So, I guess we have to go tonight."  Korekiyo sighed.
"Like hell if I'm going!  I don't fuckin' care what happens, I ain't sitting in a cramped room with Kokichi!"  Miu shouted.
"But what if it's a good thing?"  Kaede murmured.
"...Huh?"  I asked, furrowing my brows.
"Well, if we all see each other's motive videos, then we won't have to worry about people secretly watching theirs."  She explained, "And because everyone knows everyone else's motives, they'll nullify."
"You mean, because we understand everyone's motives, we won't want to kill anyone?"  Shuichi asked.
"Yeah, that's exactly right!"  Kaede grinned.  "If we can understand each other more, we'll grow closer together!" 
"Your logic is almost as divine as that of Atua's!"  Angie said.
"I don't know if that's a compliment or not."  Kaede laughed awkwardly.
"I guess I can understand where you're coming from."  Kaito sighed, "Fine, I'll go."
And once again, everyone agreed with Kaede. 

After I finished helping Kirumi clean up, I wandered around with her for a while.
"What do you wish to talk about, Alex?"  She asked.
"I don't know.  What do you want to talk about?"  I replied, looking up at her.
"There is nothing I particularly wish to talk about.  I am here to serve your needs, after all."  She said.
"You can take a break from being a maid, you know.  I'm your friend, not a client."  I smiled at her.
"Taking time off is my worst nightmare.  I could never abandon my duties.  I live for everyone else."  She looked at me with such ferocity that I was taken aback.
"I mean, if that's how you feel.  Just remember that you can't do your duties if you don't look after yourself."  I replied, putting a hand on her arm.  Kirumi stopped dead in her tracks and I stopped as well, looking up at her.  She was thinking, hard.
"I guess you are correct, Alex."  She finally said, "Very well.  I shall take your request and take time for myself."  She nodded and walked off, leaving me alone.
"That's not what I meant, but okay."  I sighed and turned the other way, heading towards the front doors.  I didn't like being stuck inside.
Maybe it was the way I lived before the killing game, maybe it was just my nature, but being indoors gave me claustrophobia if I was inside for too long.  But even in this place, being outside still made me feel trapped.  The walls surrounding us, the way the weather always stayed the same, the lack of wildlife.
Everything here was mechanical, made to perfection.  There was bright green grass everywhere, the plants were always healthy, and the weather was always the perfect temperature.  It was unnerving.  I couldn't shake the feeling that something was very off about this place.
"Do you miss the bugs as well?"  Gonta came up beside me, a looming figure who came close to blocking out the sun.
"I miss being in the wild."  I replied.
"Oh, did you grow up in the wild too?  I was raised by my wolf family."  Gonta said, excitement in his voice.
"No, not like that.  I always went camping with my Dad.  I love being outside."  I looked up at Gonta, "Does this place feel weird?"
"Mm, I can't see any bugs.  But nothing can stay healthy without bugs."  Gonta pointed to the ground, "The grass needs worms to be this healthy, but I dug up the ground and couldn't see any."
"That's weird."  I replied, "Also, isn't the weather strange?"
"When I look up at night, the stars are different from the ones I saw at home.  I watched them for three hours last night, and they didn't move."  Gonta nodded.
"What do you think's going on here?  It doesn't even feel like we're outside."  I sighed.
"Maybe the sky is fake."  Gonta said.  The statement took me by surprise.
"Maybe the sky is fake."  Gonta paused, "But that's probably not true.  How would Monokuma fake the sky?"
"I can't say you're wrong, Gonta.  For all we know, the sky could be fake."  I replied, placing a finger on my chin.  There was a long silence as I tried to organise my thoughts.  But nothing came of it, they were too foggy and too messed up.

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