8 ~ The Final Day

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"Alex, are you busy right now?" K1-B0 asked after breakfast was over.
"No, why?" I asked.
"I was wondering if you wanted to walk around with me, Angie and Miu. We were just going to see if there's anything interesting around the school." He said.
"Uh.." I looked over at everyone. Miu was making jokes about Himiko's lack of chest, and Angie was preaching to a very bored-looking Kaito.
"Sure, why not." If it was my last day on this earth, I wouldn't mind spending it with these people. As soon as everyone was cleaned up, they all seperated into their groups and gradually left the cafeteria, leaving me, K1-B0, Angie, Miu, Kokichi and Rantaro. Kokichi had been acting completely normal all morning, but he caught my eye as I was looking around the room and gave me a knowing smile. I ignored him, and went to say hi to Rantaro, but he was messing around on his Monopad and I didn't want to interrupt, so I let him be.
"Ready?" K1-B0 asked.
"Let's go." I replied confidently, taking one last look at Rantaro as I left. To my surprise, he was looking at me as well, and as he did he smiled and waved at me. The smile was genuine, I was sure. I waved back, trying to make my own smile as genuine as possible, and left, following Angie.
"Atua will watch over us tonight. He will make sure everybody's deaths are peaceful." She said, smiling at me.
"So he isn't going to stop us from dying?" I asked.
"Oh no, Atua does not mess in mortal affairs. We are merely a speck on his radar." Angie reached out a hand and I took it reluctantly.
"Atua will be with you tonight, Alex. He will protect you." She squeezed my hand, "Because you are a good person." With that, she did her little tinkling laugh and began to skip, still holding my hand. With no choice but to keep up, I began skipping as well.
"It's such a lovely day today, don't you think?" She asked.
"Fuckin' right it is! It's been like this for the past two days!" Miu glared at Angie, "What makes today any fuckin' different?"
"Today I have friends with me. And if you have true friends with you, who love you and protect you, then any day becomes ten times as beautiful!" Angie finally let go of my hand and reached for Miu's. I felt myself missing her warm grip, for some reason.
"Don't fuckin' touch me!" Miu shouted, but Angie wouldn't take no for an answer.
"Keebo, you must hold hands with us too! We can all hold hands and appreciate this day, before we are taken into the arms of the beloved Atua!" She threw her arms into the air, looking up at the sun. K1-B0 reluctantly joined the hand-holding and soon all four of us were in a line, holding tightly to each other like our lives depended on it.
From the outside, it looked like four close friends, laughing and chatting about things.
Underneath, it was a desperate attempt to maintain normalcy with certain death looming just around the corner.
We ended up in a quiet corner of the courtyard, chatting.
"What kind of art do you make, Angie?" I asked.
"I make what Atua asks me to create. It is not my artworks that I create, it is Atua's." She said.
"Well then, what was your favourite art piece that you've made?" I asked.
"Ooh, I have quite a lot, Alex. My favourite one, however, is probably one that I haven't finished yet."
"What's it about?"
"I bet its fuckin' atua or some shit like that." Miu laughed.
"It is a portrait of my family." Angie's reply even surprised me.
"Atua told you to paint that?" I asked.
"Mm-hmm. He says it's important to care for your family." She smiled at me, "Atua has no family, so he made sure all of us had families instead."
"I still cannot believe an atua exists. Could it be that it is just you creating this artwork, Angie? After all, if an atua existed, why would he put us in this killing game?" K1-B0 asked.
"To create hope." Angie said.
There was a short silence as we all took in her words.
"Is anyone gonna fuckin' ask me why I'm such a great fuckin' inventor?" Miu suddenly asked.
"Why are you such a good inventor?" I sighed. Might as well amuse her. Angie looked finished with the conversation anyway. She had wandered off and was picking some leaves off the bushes.
"Because I just fuckin' am! Looks and smarts? I'm the perfect goddamn package!" Miu shouted. I sighed.

Rantaro caught up with me that afternoon.
"Hey, Alex. I've got something I want to show you later tonight. It's in the library. I think I found a way to open the door." My mind flashed back to that morning. Kokichi..
"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah. Meet me in the library at 8." He smiled and walked off.
"Hey," I called out after him. He turned around. "Be careful." I said. Rantaro stared at me for a few seconds, blank-faced. Then he smiled and waved, walking off. There was guilt in his eyes.
"Heey, Alex!" At the sound of that voice, I felt my nerves grating on each other.
"What do you want?" I asked, spinning to face Kokichi.
"Oh, just this." Kokichi jabbed something towards my belly. In reflex, I grabbed his wrist and jumped out of the way at the same time, barely missing the hand which hit me in the side.
"Oooh, good reflexes. You'll need them for tonight." Kokichi grinned at me.
"I will break your fingers." I growled, pulling on his wrist until he was close to me, "And then I'll break your hand as well."
"Angry Alex comes out again! Waa, I'm so scared!" Kokichi mockingly cried.
"Why are you after me all of a sudden?" I asked.
"Because you're easy to toy with." Kokichi replied, "And I don't want my favourite person to die!" He gave me these big, dumb puppy dog eyes that only made me want to poke them out.
"Can't you just find another favourite person? Himiko's an easy target." I didn't want to throw her under the bus, but I had had enough of him.
"Oh, she's got Tenko, and Tenko's annoying her enough already. Poor girl." He looked at the ground sadly, then back up at me. "I really do care for you, Alex." He moved himself closer to me, and before i could stop him, he had his arms wrapped around my body, hugging me tightly.
"I can hear your heartbeat." He murmured softly, "It's fast, like a person in love.." He paused, "Or a person about to die."
"Kokichi, I have better things to do then hang out with someone who called me their enemy this morning. Fuck off." I tried to pry his arms off me but he only clung on tighter.
"I lied about that, you know." He said, still looking away from me, "I lie about a lot."
"What am I, some kinda confessional? I'm not a church, Kokichi!" I replied, still trying to get his hands off me.
"I'm scared."
I looked at Kokichi. He still looked at the ground.
"I don't want to die. I hate this game." He continued.
"Kokichi.." I paused.
"Everyone here hates me, Alex. They're all so mean. I just want to make this more interesting. I don't want to be boring." Were those real tears he was crying? I could hear it in his voice.
"I..don't know what to think." I murmured, looking down at this mop of purple hair, this boy clinging to me.
"Good." The voice changed. "Because that was a lie." He let go of me and walked back a few steps, "I told you, Alex. I'm a liar." With a playful grin he waved and ran off, leaving me alone in the grass, watching him run off. Was that real?
As he had smiled at me, I thought I had seen something. Underneath the layers, underneath everything. A sadness. A truth in his lies.
Who was Kokichi Oma?

Everyone had gathered in the dining hall to eat dinner together. The table was full of genial conversation, the usual messing around. Kokichi, for some reason, stayed oddly silent, and Rantaro skipped out, but K1-B0 and I sat next to each other and chatted about our lives before the killing game.
He had been created by a professor to be the most human-like robot out there. It was quite impressive, the things he told me.
I..didn't remember much from my past life. It was a blur, mostly, with some moments sticking out and others disappearing into a foggy mist.
I knew that I had a Father, and I knew that I lived with him most of the time because my Mum worked elsewhere. I didn't know what her occupation was. My Father, on the other hand, was a school teacher. He taught primary school students, and he loved it.
I remember how my Dad fostered my talent. When I was young, he used to give me all these wooden toys to play with. He got them from a friend of his who made that sort of thing. He said that instead of playing with them, I would inspect how they were made, look at all the nooks and crannies, and understand how they worked.
From when I was old enough, my Dad gave me all the tools I needed to create, and create I did. Eventually, after winning multiple awards for my skills, I was awarded the title of Ultimate Woodworker. My designs were regarded as perfect nation-wide. Any client I recieved, I could design and build for.
But then, the memories blur. How did I get here? What does any of this mean? Why am I being forced to participate in this game?

The Killing Game - A DRV3 FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum