29 ~ Night

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I looked around, but nobody was in the building, or if they were, they were probably asleep by now. 
I bit my lip and turned the doorknob again.  Still locked.
I had to act fast.  Who knew what was happening in there?
Slowly, I backed up to the railing of the level and leaned back on it.  Then, I mustered all my energy and kicked at the door.  It shook, but held firm.
I tried again, and again, but still the door wouldn't move. 
"Shit."  I murmured, looking around.  I would have to knock on someone's door and wake them up. 
My brain immediately went to Kokichi.  He knew how to pick locks.  He could let me in.
I was halfway to his door before I realised what I was doing, but even then, I knew I had to find out what was happening in my room and, with newfound determination, I went to his door and slammed my fist against it a few times.  A few seconds later, the door opened.
"Alright, alright.  I'm up.  Stop knocking."  Kokichi yawned and rubbed his eye, staring at me blearily, "What do you want?" 
"I can't get into my room."  I replied.  Kokichi immediately soured.
"I told you I don't have your keys.  Go find somewhere else to sleep."  He was about to shut the door when I put my foot in to stop him.
"I can't open my door, Kokichi."  I reiterated, "Something's up." 
"Not my problem.  Go check it tomorrow."  Kokichi shrugged and turned around.
"This is important!  I need you to pick the lock of my door!"  I shouted.  Kokichi jumped at the sudden volume and turned around, looking miserable.
"I just want to sleep, Alex.  Why do you have to interrupt my sleep too?"  He whined, tears coming to his eyes.
"What's going on?"  The door next to Kokichi's opened and a tired-looking Tenko stepped out.
"Tenko, glad you're here.  Can you help me get into my room?  I think something's wrong."  I said, pointing to my door.
"What..?  Use your keys."  Tenko went to go back into her room.
"Wait, Tenko!  Someone stole my keys, and my door's locked."  I looked at her worriedly.  Finally, she seemed to understand my urgency, because she turned around again and stared at me.
"Why are you asking Kokichi for help?"  She asked.
"Because he can pick locks."  I replied.  I looked back into Kokichi's room.
I could see his feet hanging off the end of his bed.
"Kokichi!"  I barged into his room and shook him, waking him up.
"Whaaaat?"  Kokichi whined, rolling over to look at me.
"Help me get into my room!"  I glared at him.
"Whyyyy?  I don't wanna."  Kokichi crossed his arms and pouted at me.  He was acting like a child.
"Just do it, and I'll let you go back to sleep straight away."  I took on a parental tone and smiled at him, as kindly as I could manage.  Kokichi stared at me for a few more seconds, thinking. 
Then, finally, he groaned and stood up, stretching.
"Fine.  But only this once."  He made his way over to my room and I indicated Tenko to follow, which she did.  I could feel the dread coming back as I walked closer to my room, and suddenly the door seemed to loom above me, warning me. 
Who was in my room?
Kokichi pulled out his lock picking stuff, and set to work on my door, ignoring everything else. 
"What if someone's in there?"  Tenko asked, fear in her voice.
"I guess we'll find the answer to that once Kokichi unlocks the door."  I replied, watching him.
Finally, I heard a click, and Kokichi stood, putting the tools away.
"There.  Done.  Can I go back to bed now?"  He asked.
"No.  You have to come inside with me."  I replied.
"What?  But I don't wannaaa."  He whined again.
"If someone's going to ambush me, I'm not going in alone."  I replied, stepping up to the door.
"This suuucks."  Kokichi groaned, but waited as I turned the knob and slowly pushed the door open, peeking inside. 
It was pitch black.  Slowly, I stepped up to the threshold and reached inside, feeling for the light switch.  Instead, my hands came into contact with some kind of sticky substance. 
"Shit!"  I yanked my hand back out of the door and looked at it, blanching.
Neon pink covered my hands.  I froze.
"Alex, what's wrong?"  I heard Tenko ask behind me.
"She's probably too scared to go inside.  What a baby."  Kokichi replied.
"Guys..."  I turned around and showed them my hand.  Both of them gasped.  "I don't want to turn the light on."  I whispered softly, staring at my hand.
"We should turn them on just in case."  Kokichi suddenly spoke up, stepping into my room.  He reached in, felt for the light switch, and flicked it.

The Killing Game - A DRV3 FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum