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I keep forgetting to say this but thanks for 200 reads everyone!
Also, sorry for the sudden drop in regular updates, I've been overseas.

Danganronpa AU - The end.  ~ 1st POV
I never expected it to be me.
Ultimate Invisible was my 'talent'.
Never seen, never heard, ignored and forgotten.
I never expected to be noticed by the one person-ah, robot, who would ruin mine and fifteen other students' lives.
I didn't want to be killed.
Then again, nobody ever expects to die.

And my killer?
They were smart.
Who notices an invisible person when they're dead?
Who cares about a person who is forgotten about as soon as they're seen?

You're probably wondering what I mean by invisible.
I wasn't unseen, so to say. I wasn't actually invisible, though I would probably get noticed more if I was.
I was just...bland.
In a story, I wouldn't even qualify as a side character. I didn't have what one would call a 'personality'.
People would ask my name and immediately forget it.
I just wasn't...important.
In the great scheme of things, I wasn't even a blip on the radar.
I was just here, living life, going to school, doing normal things.
Which is why I was so surprised Hope's Peak noticed me.
And why Monokuma noticed me.

The Killing Game began with sixteen students.  When my turn came to die, we were down to nine. 
Seven lives gone. 
I didn't realise my time was up.  I went through that day as normal, and talked to the one friend I had.
The friend who would betray me.
Other than Monokuma, they were the only one who noticed me.  Everyone else found me a forgettable face, a forgettable name.
But they spent the time and effort trying to be friends with me.
"You're an Ultimate, there's no way you're as boring as you say."
They were there for me. 
Of course, you never expect the person closest to you to be your murderer, do you?

At the end. 
At my death, I found something interesting.
I found that, through the panic and the gargling and the tightening grip on my throat, I wanted to live.
I had a will.
A want.
I didn't realise someone with no personality could have one of those.
If I could just live, I could be more than who I was. 
I could shed my Ultimate talent and become somebody. 
I could be anything I wanted.

But my vision faded.
My breathing stopped.
I died.

And that's my story.
It's simple.
There's nothing much to it.
My life has an end, but my story never did.
It's kind of sad, isn't it?

Danganronpa AU - The Beginning~ 1st POV
I like to win.
The day I escaped the Killing Game was the day I won.
The Ultimate Punter was my title. And I loved it. Gambling was my specialty.
It went further than just casino games, though.
I gambled everything.
Which is why I found so much fun in gambling with their life.
Ultimate Invisible.
It was a struggle even remembering they existed every day, but somehow I did it.  And as the game went on and I strategised how I would win and leave, I found nobody really cared about them. 
They were an easy target, of course, but I had doubts.  Would anybody find them?  Would anybody find me?  I knew I had to plan it out, so I did.  Every moment I had alone, every moment they stopped annoying me, I would plan.  Pages and pages of plans, trying to work out the loopholes and how to stop them from happening, trying to understand how to either make the murder impossible to solve or frame somebody else. 
I had kept the facade of a kind, innocent character throughout the game, which automatically made me less of a suspect.  But would somebody find out? 
Days and days of plans, watching students get murdered and culprits get executed, working out what to do right and what to do wrong.
Finally, when there were merely nine of us left, I had my plan.  I knew who I was going to frame.
And I set my plan in motion.
I did love them.  They were a good friend.  But they wouldn't mind being killed, I was sure.  They constantly talked about how plain they were, how bland their character was.  Surely somebody with so little Hope in themselves wouldn't have any complaints about their life ending.
So, I invited them to come to a classroom, late at night.  Everyone was asleep.  I waited, calmly, my fingers itching at the excitement of what was to come.  And they arrived, and I smiled, and we talked.
And then I leapt on them and wrapped my fingers around their neck. 
It felt...surprisingly good.  The adrenaline sent a thrill through me and I couldn't help but laugh, feeling the struggle, the win at my fingertips as I pressed them into their neck, watching the life leave them.
They died.
I won.

And then I began cleaning the evidence I was there.
When I was done, I went to my room, climbed into bed, and slept like a baby.
It took a few days for everyone to find them.  When they did, there was sadness, but not to the level of the other murders.  Nobody truly knew what to do, because nobody had bothered to be their friend.
I acted like I was sad.  I cried, I 'investigated' the body, and I went to the class trial.
I would win.  There was no doubt about it.

And I did.

Monokuma announced it.
The Despair on everyone's faces almost stopped me from laughing out loud, but a chuckle escaped anyway.
I was giddy.
I won.
They all died.
And I left the Killing Game with a newfound freedom and a world which had no idea of my actions.

The Killing Game - A DRV3 FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon