7 ~ Hint

122 7 0

It was today.  Today was the day we found out if we all died.  I woke up and got out of bed as the morning announcement went off, taking a quick shower before changing and getting ready to go out.
I opened the door without looking, eyes on the keys I had in my hands, only to bump into someone who immediately pushed me back into my room and slammed the door behind them.  I looked up, ready to scold Rantaro, but my blood ran cold when I saw a familiar pair of purple eyes staring at me.
"Hello, Alex Okari."  Kokichi's voice rang in my ears as he pushed me further into my room, holding my wrists tightly, "Do you want to be killed today?" 
"I sure as hell don't."  I replied, his sentence taking me out of my shock.  I brought my leg up and swiped his feet out from under him.  He fell like a sack of bricks, fast and without struggle.  He even lost his grip on my wrists.  Without thinking, I immediately pushed him onto his back and held his arms down, glaring at him.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"  I asked.  Kokichi grinned back at me.
"In case you were wondering, I wasn't the one that was going to kill you."  He said cheekily.
"As if.  Why would you ask that if you weren't going to try and do something?"
"Because I liiieee, Alex.  You should have known it was a lie." 
"What kinda lie is telling someone you're gonna kill them?" 
"A good one.  Heeey, can you let me go?  My arms are falling asleeep."  Kokichi whined.
"So you can kill me?"  I asked sarcastically.
"I would neverrr!"  Kokichi's face deadpanned, "But Rantaro would." 
I was silent.  Kokichi was silent.  His face didn't move.  He stayed completely still, staring at me, trying to get me to understand this impossible thing.
"Rantaro..would never."  I said softly.
"Are you suuure?"  Kokichi asked playfully.
"He's a good person.  You're a liar."  My resolve returned.  I was an idiot for believing in Kokichi's lies.
"But Rantaro doesn't even know his own talent.  Are you sure you can trust someone who can't even trust himself?  What if he finds out his talent is something like, say, assassination?"  Kokichi raised an eyebrow.
"He would have killed me much earlier if he wanted to."  I replied.
"Or did he want to gain your trust to make your murder that much more despair-inducing?"  Kokichi asked.  Once again, my resolve shook, but stayed strong.
"Rantaro believes in hope.  He told me so."  I said, "He's confided in me."
"About what?"
"Like I'd tell you that.  It's a secret."
"You mean the door behind the bookcase?  That's a secret?" Kokichi asked innocently.  My blood ran ice cold.  My resolve shook once more. 
"Who told you that?"  I asked.
"That's a secret."  Kokichi giggled.
"Stop lying.  Who told you?"  I asked again, pressing my hands in deeper into his arms.  He winced.
"A person in this academy."  He said.
"I'm not teeelling."
"Kokichi, tell me who or I swear-"
"You swear what?  What'll you do to me, Aaalex?  Will you kill me?  Will you become the first blackened?" Kokichi stared at me, amusement on his face.
"No.  I won't kill you.  What I will do, however, is something worse."  I leaned in close to his face.  "I will make your life hell.  Every corner you turn, I'll be there, waiting to give you some kind of new hell.  I will ruin you, Kokichi.  You better watch out, because if you don't tell me right now who told you that, I won't hesitate to bring you despair for the rest of your life."  I growled.
"And out you come, the Alex I've been waiting for.  The fighter."  Kokichi grinned wickedly, "You sound so much like Monokuma right now."  He whispered, before bringing his head up to touch noses with me.  Immediately my head shot up and I let out a disgusted yell, glaring at him.
"You are filth, Kokichi Oma."  I squeezed his arms tightly, seeing him wince again, "You better watch out."
"No, I think you should watch out."  Kokichi's face twisted once again, and this time he looked genuinely scary.  He kicked his legs up and I felt myself being thrown into the air.  In half a second, he was standing over me, eyes wide, pupils small.
"Playtime's over, Alex.  I only have so much patience."  He began to walk out, before turning with the playful smile on his face, "Oh, tell Rantaro I said hi when he tries to murder you tonight."  He waved, before sticking his hands into his pockets and walking out casually, shutting the door behind him.
It took me a minute to pull myself back together.  I stood up and brushed myself off, fixed my hair and looked in the mirror, making sure my face gave nothing away.  Then I stood up, went to the cafeteria, and began my day.

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