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Rantaro x Reader (1st POV)
Ultimates everywhere.
My first day at Hope's Peak and I found myself standing at the front gates, in awe of the sheer amount of Ultimate students wandering around. 
I mean, I knew I was going to be attending a school of Ultimates.  Anyone who didn't know about Hope's Peak had to have been living underneath a very large rock.  It even had its fair amount of international students.
But still.
Coming from a tiny community in the countryside of Japan, this was a huge change.
I didn't realise I had been standing around for so long until I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.  I blinked a few times, refocused and looked over, where I was immediately taken aback by a shocking green pair of eyes. 
He was attractive, and I found myself struggling for words due to the shock.
"Um...I'm...Ah..."  I bit my lip, forcing myself to stop talking.  The boy laughed softly, the sound melodic.
"Ah, did I scare you?  Sorry about that.  My name's Rantaro Amami."  He held a hand out and I took it.
"I'm...ah..."  I looked at the ground, then back up at him, "I've forgotten."  This time the laugh was louder.
"Well, that's new."  Rantaro said.
"I'm sorry, it's just that you're really attractive and I-"  I slapped my hand over my mouth.
"So is that."  Rantaro raised an eyebrow, "Thankyou for the compliment.  You're attractive as well."  He smiled at me.
"T-thanks..."  I felt my spirit leaving my body.
"Do you need help?  You were looking a little bit lost."  Rantaro looked towards the school.  I took a moment to respond.
"Yeah, I just arrived here.  It's my first day."  I said, trying to smile through my embarrassment.
"Well then, I can show you the ropes.  I've been here for a while now."  Rantaro gestured for me to follow him and began walking to the school.  I followed, cursing myself silently.  Forget my actual ultimate talent.  I'm more of an ultimate idiot.
Rantaro led me through the school, before taking me to the students office where I got my timetable.  He read it over my shoulder and pointed out a couple of classes.
"I'm in those classes too."  He said, warm breath brushing past my ear.  He was really close.
"Oh, I'll see you there, then."  I went to look over my shoulder at him but misjudged the distance between both of us.  My cheek collided with his face and I froze.
Rantaro froze as well, shocked, then chuckled softly into my cheek.
"May I ask what your ultimate talent is, Nameless?"  Rantaro asked, moving away from me.  We began walking to class, slowly.
"Oh, it's nothing special.  I'm the Ultimate Collector."  I laughed softly.
"Woah, that's an actual talent?"  Rantaro looked surprised, "What do you collect?"
"Right now, it's mostly coins.  I've managed to get a hold of some really rare ones.  I collect other stuff too."  I shrugged nonchalantly. "What's your talent?"
"I'm the Ultimate Adventurer."  Rantaro said. 
"That's a cool talent."  I replied.
"Not really."  Rantaro waved a hand airily. 
An awkward silence passed between us.
"Oh, right!"  I jumped, "my name!"
"You actually have one!"  Rantaro laughed.
"Of course!"  I mentally slapped myself as I relived our meeting and gave him my name.
"No full name?"  Rantaro asked.
"Do you need one?"  I replied.
"Well, I'll need a name to put in my contacts."  Rantaro said quietly.  I looked at him, eyes wide.
"You want my number?"  I asked, shocked.
"Well, I think we'll get along well, so why not?  We already have a lot of classes together."  Rantaro pulled his phone out of his pocket, opened his contacts and gave it to me.  Hesitant, I took it and put my phone number in and handed the phone back.  Rantaro put the phone away and looked at me expectantly.  When I didn't do anything, he raised an eyebrow.
"What?"  I finally asked.
"Aren't you going to give me your phone?"  He asked.
"Huh?  Oh, right, yes."  I fumbled in my bag for a moment and pulled my phone out, then promptly dropped it on the floor.  Cursing myself, I picked it up, checked for damage and gave it to Rantaro.  He took it and stared at the screen, then showed the phone to me.
"It isn't unlocked."  He said.
"Oh, right."  I unlocked it and hurriedly opened the contacts, my internal voice little more than disembodied screaming at this point. 
A couple of months had passed since I'd started attending Hope's Peak.  I had found myself a close-knit friend group and Rantaro and I had gotten closer, to the point where we spent almost all of our time together.  This was where I found myself on New Year's, after he had invited me to see the fireworks on the beach.  We stood next to each other at the waters' edge, looking at the fireworks as they were shot into the air from invisible ships in the dark water. 
Though usually there would be hundreds, if not thousands of people around for these fireworks, Rantaro and I had spent a couple of hours making our way through the crowds to a secluded section of the beach, where only one or two people stood. 
A particularly large firework shot into the air and I gasped as it exploded into a million colourful sparks, falling slowly into the ocean.
"Hey,"  I looked over and saw Rantaro, smiling at me, "thanks for being here with me."
"I don't know where else I would be."  I joked, but his face turned serious.  Worried, I frowned.  Was something wrong?
"Is something u-"  I didn't get to finish my sentence because suddenly Rantaro's lips were pressed against mine.  It only lasted a moment, a brief time, but when he pulled away he looked guilty.
"Sorry."  He whispered.  It took me a moment to regain my bearings, and I felt frozen in place.  Rantaro looked away, sighing sadly. 
""  The sentence ended on a questioning tone and I immediately cursed myself. 
"Oh, that's a relief."  Rantaro chuckled softly.  We'd been around each other so often he knew what I meant.  I didn't speak, only smiled to myself, a pink flush spreading across my cheeks.  Rantaro took hold of my hand and squeezed it, pointing to the ocean.
"The fireworks aren't over yet."  He murmured in my ear.

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