8 { K A I } •

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"Ever worn skinny jeans?" I asked while fumbling around to get my phone out.
The long journey had already bothered me very much, the noise surrounding was so different. And just hearing my own voice or someone else's was weirdly comforting. The change of the world had been extravagant and it was a shame to miss so much.

"It seems wrong, I'm all bunched up" I explained  further, finally managing to get my phone.
I remember asking Isabelle of the change in technology. She must've thought I was crazy but I was awestruck at how much the world had evolved. Google was a huge help.
"Also! Why are jeans so tight and phones so big?"

"I don't know what to tell ya pal" the taxi driver answered, at last. However, he still seemed fed up. I would be too if I was stuck in here all day.
Smells like feet. But, it was nice to catch a taxi.

"Oh God... I'm that guy, right?" I asked, rolling my head back in annoyance.
"That guy that won't shut up... I hate that guy, I sat next to that guy on the plane, the worst. Hey, speaking of planes. Have you flown recently? What's with the liquid situation and stripping thing. It's weird",

"They're worried about terrorists",

"Okay, but the real terrorists are people taking off their shoes" I chuckled before sitting back. The little action reminded me of how Isabelle would collapse onto the bed, how her hair would catch in her long lashes and the way her eyes would match her soft smile and-

"I know I'm chatty, my ex used to say I was".

"Poor her..." he mumbled in reply, causing my jaw to tense. However, I kept in the frustration... I didn't want to draw attention to myself. Therefore, I changed the subject. I needed to forget her, leave 1994 in the past like everyone else.
"Sorry... I've just been in prison a while, not like regular prison-",

"Alright, we're here, that'll be thirty" he interrupted, bending his arm back to extend his hand toward me.

"Alright, here take this" I nodded while leaning forward, giving him the first half of my money before attempting to reach for the rest. As I did so, I was mumbling about the stupid reasons behind wearing that deathtrap. Strangely enough, I was missing many things and one of those things was 90s fashion.
"Hang on, I got it... Hey, Gum... Nice",

"Come on buddy, I ain't got all day, let's go" he moaned, seriously pissing me off in the process.
And soon, a pair of tangled earphones were in my hands and an idea came to mind, it's fool proof.

"Huh... Well, I guess this'll do" I sighed before wrapping them around his neck.
As he struggled to breathe, I waited patiently for his movement to cease. The thrill of killing filled my veins once again. And what a buzz it gave me. It flowed through my body like blood, like it belonged there.

Once he's dead, I placed the earphones in his ears and exited the car.

"Thank you".

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Cure for Goodness |K. PARKER|Where stories live. Discover now