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I walk impatiently through the corridor to his own bedchambers. The girl has yelled at me. Hateful words I never thought would pass through her mouth, let along towards me. How could I have allowed such a mistake without expecting this kind of consequence? Could I have not waited until a more effective solution came along? This was doomed from the moment she arrived down here...the mistake I made rumble through me now. I feel it heavily within my heart with every step. I feels it now, as the bedroom door closes, shielding me from the echo of her angry words.

I know my greatest fault is impatience...and most of all, fear of rejection. This was supposed to be a good thing, something that they were both destined for. Yet, it feels like anything but the right thing.

When Zeus agreed to this match I didn't know how to approach it. Her overprotective, hovering mother of course had to stand in the way...why wouldn't she? I couldn't take her the way I wanted. It had to be done the hard way. The hardest way on all of them. 

Now, my little flower lay screaming on the floor of her private bedroom. The bedroom i had so carefully made for her. She's mortified, shocked, confused. She doesn't know who he is. The little innocent one has barely seen the horror of death let alone be at the home of the Underworld. I ache to comfort her, but if she slaps me once more and I cannot handle that. Just another creature despising the sight of me now, just like everyone else. I was a fool to ever think she accepted me. The first impression speaks truth of what I am to people. Everything stings knowing the truth now, that even now, she sees me the same as everyone else at first glance. She'll never be able to deny that later, and neither can I forget. 

"Am I ugly?" I murmur out loud. "Quite not," The handmaiden, Jasmine, enters my room and sits down in front of me, graciously washing his feet as he sits on the edge of his bed. "Your opinion is appreciated, but what else could be so revolting about me that makes her hate me so? This is her true reaction to me, and I'm seeing that now. I was selfish to ever let myself think I was worthy of her!"

"Your reputation is considered...revolting, perhaps, master?" I roll my eyes. "I've been told I'm handsome, but it doesn't help me any. I think people may have always lied about my looks out of fear. I no longer have a sense of my own ability to even tell what is deemed attractive and what isn't. I barely even own any mirrors in fear that I am actually ugly. I never want to look...Do I have any appeal to a woman? My reputation is certainly not a personality trait of mine."

"Your social skills and politeness could use some work, but that's just because you isolate yourself to no end." The handmaiden offers as advice. I grunt, "I would socialize more if everyone wasn't such imbeciles up above. Ignorant, young Gods and mortals I'll eventually meet down here anyway, most on their knees and lying through their teeth."

I stay silent after asking her to leave. "You do have appeal." She attempts once more being closing the door behind her.

I huff and drift off to sleep. This hardship is only momentary. Things will soon be as they were supposed to be...


My tears have finally dried. I wipe the remnants from my face. How tiring weeping is. Sleep doesn't seem so far away now.

I crumple on the bed. I hated that I liked its comforting softness. More comforting than my bed at home. At least now I can say that I will not wake up to my mother's familiar shrill voice calling for me insistently, demanding my attention and help.

I go to sleep soundly, only to awake in the middle of the night. My door creaks open, a streak of light illuminating the room. I instantly grip the covers to my chest in fear.

"No need to fear." The voice whispers. I sob and throw one of my pillows at the door. "Leave me alone, you beast!" He signs heavily and opens the door fully. "I am no beast. May I come in?"

"Of course not!" I whimper and curl under the blankets. "Why would I want to be near you? My kidnapper?"

"Getting to know me will only make things more bearable, sweetness." His voice is soothing, but Persephone hates that it is. "I refuse to get to know you. My father and mother will take me from here and return me back home. Hermes will if they do not. He cares for me as a sister." Persephone crosses her arms stubbornly.

"I'm sure he does...but I am afraid no one is coming for you. Not as long as I can help it," Hades whispers, still from the doorway. "May I come in to explain?" I can't help but pout, but I nod in agreement as it appears he won't take 'no' for an answer.

Hades turns on the lights as I refuse to look at his face. "Am I that vile?" He mutters, almost jokingly. "Strange? Hideous? Heinous? Gut-retching?" He adds with a tad more humour.

Persephone shakes her head. "I refuse to hear you insult yourself. Don't seek compliments from me anytime soon though." She sasses back to him.

"You can at least face me." He whispers gently. "I have a face for a reason. Also, eyes to come into contact with too. I'm just as much of a person as you are, just desolated and abandoned by the family to look after this place...but also forgive me if I am rude. I don't interact with such lovely ladies too often..." He trails off, "...At least I hadn't until..."

Persephone narrows her eyes and looks away. She nearly feels like smiling on behalf of him in embarrassment. She nearly covers her mouth. Instead, she turns to face him and observes his charcoal black hair and green eyes. His pale skin seems smooth...he doesn't have a beard like the other Gods, she notices. He is clean-cut, well-dressed even, but she still refuses to compliment him. "You may come closer." She finally gives permission.

Hades does as she curls up in the blankets on the far side of the bed as he sits on the edge. "Why have you taken me here?" She asks, facing away.

"To be my Queen. Someone very important told me to do it. Though your mother wasn't too pleased with this discovery, she will have to abide by this. She doesn't control you." Hades whispers, almost pleased with himself. There was a hint of despair in his voice, however.

Persephone shivers, wondering who besides her father could be so important. She didn't imagine that he would betray her mother like that though...then again, he is Zeus. Loyalty isn't exactly what he's known for. "How long have I been here?" 

Hades turns to look at me and sighs. "Longer than you think, you've just woken up and the damage has already been done on the outside. I've never seen a mother rage so hard over her daughter's marriage-to-be. The whole Earth is suffering for it."My eyes widen. "What do you mean? I've been gone that long? Mother must be going ballistic!"

"That she is. A terrible famine has erupted thanks to her. The Earth above is freezing cold and no crops will grow. No human can even eat. We'll have to do something about that, but that still doesn't change our marriage I'm afraid, sweetness." Hades smirks and my eyes narrow. "What do you suppose we do about it?"

"That's already been decided." Hades sighs. "After we are married, you will stay six months here and six months with your mother every year so that she will let the humans grow crops at least half of the year and store food to last them the other. I told them you ate six pomegranate seeds so you have to stay here during at least half the year."

Persephone grumbles childishly. "I understand how devastated she must be, but she never fails to surprise me with her selfishness. Humans are no part of this, yet they are being punished." I turn to face Hades. "And you are just as selfish! You cannot force a woman to marry you and you lied about me eating those seeds. Didn't you?"

Hades frowns. "There's no one else I've taken an interest in, Persephone. Plus, I did not lie. When you first came down here you were famished and took them on your own. Your just failing you. Please try to trust me on that. You don't even remember that day in the meadow at all anymore, do you?"

Persephone's chin wobbles for a moment while she attempts to remember. Hades observes her and sees the anger in her eyes as she discovers nothing but a blank sheet within her mind.

"I do not believe you." She decides. 

Hades shrugs. "Believe what you will, but it's the truth. I'm the last person in the world that would lie to you, Persephone. I have never, and never intend to deceive you." 

Hades and Persephone Where stories live. Discover now