Chapter Sixty Three

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  "Are you sure you don't want me to carry you? You look shucking awful," Minho asks for the eleventh time as we make our way back to the glade, not quite running as my entire being is sore from my endeavor but not walking as I'm eager to get out of this damn place.

"I'm fine, Minho. Don't worry about me," I tell him again.

"Are you kidding? I will always worry about you now and forever. After this you are not allowed to say that," He says, brushing my hair off of my shoulder. I smile at his caring manner, it's nice to feel loved.

We turn one more corner and I see the Glade in the distance. I can hear cheering as the Gladers start to see me come into their sight. As I come closer, I see one face I wouldn't miss in a sea of a thousand.

My legs forget about being crushed under rocks, my head forgets about being unconscious for probably two whole days, and my heart forgets about the resentment it was once filled with.

I sprint as fast as I can to try and reach the doors, and as soon as I pass through I jump into Newt's warm, loving arms as tears start rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably.

"Beth, Beth you're here. I've got you," I hear him whisper into my ear, his voice making me cry even more.

I pull back only to kiss him harder than I ever have before. His arms tighten around my waist and mine continue to guide his lips to mine.

We only stop when we need to breathe, and even then it's difficult. We're both crying, our cheeks wet with tears and our breathing off beat together.

It feels wonderful to be back and safe in his arms.

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