Chapter Sixty

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  I'm pretty sure I haven't eaten in, like, twenty four hours again, so before I start my escape, I eat a cookie out of my backpack. I have my priorities straight.

"Okay. Looking for a way out. Light? A hole? A frickin' unicorn?" I growl. "No, no. Stay positive. Sweet and kind. Well, actually no. Be a bitch. Bitches get things done." I kneel down with my flashlight to inspect the ground for cracks that could indicate a way out. "That-"

All of a sudden, a roaring noise enters the room. Panic swells inside my stomach and rises to my chest, as I look around to identify the source of the mysterious rumble. My gaze shifts from everything in the room, one thing to another, before recognizing a sliver of light over through the wall by the bookshelf.

"Is that-" I cut myself off by running over. The crack runs small right beside the bookshelf, and I can feel hope growing inside me. I desperately search around me for something to try and crack open the cold, hard, rock wall that lies between me and my friends. And Newt.

I panic as a million ideas rush to mind, trying to figure out the most effective way. After way too much war in my head, I start throwing rocks at the crack to see if I can break it open. The rocks slowly chip away, but I'm not making as much progress as I need to be. I blow my hair out of my eyes and lean my head against the wall.

There's got to be a way I can get out out here, if only I could-


The shovel.

I toss the rest of the rocks in my hands aside as I try to unbury the shovel from the pile of all the other rocks that had toppled over me what seemed like days before.

"Ah! Here it is!" I shout as I pull the shovel out from under the rocks. I dart back over to the crack in the wall, and push the shovel into it.

"Come on, come on!" I yell through gritted teeth as I try to pry the wall apart. I keep pulling, pushing, and shoving to no avail, until I collapse with exhaustion and defeat.

"Damn it!" I scream at the wall, throwing the shovel at the crack, completely frustrated with it.

Suddenly, there's a crumbling sound, and the wall breaks away piece by piece, until it reveals a wonderful sight behind it.

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