Chapter Fifty

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  I awaken with a pounding head surrounded by pitch black. A cold, dank air sticks to my skin. I'm sprawled across a freezing metal floor, lying on my side. The pain in my head leaks from my temple and travels down my head to the base of my neck.

"Ugh," I groan as I attempt to sit up. I feel something heavy and rough on my stomach.

Wait, that's not one thing...

I frantically feel around for my flashlight, momentarily forgetting the pounding in my head. My hand finally lands on something smooth and metal. I feel around it to find that it's my walkie talkie.

"Minho! Minho can you hear me? Minho!" I yell into it. No response. I feel hot tears threatening to spill over my eyelids, and I let them.

I sit there, enveloped in darkness, tears pouring down my cheeks, knees drawn to my chest.

Hours must pass, just my sobbing echoing between the walls of this prison cell. I finally get it together enough to feel around for my flashlight again.

Rock, rock, pebble, rock, walkie talkie, rock, rock, rock, rock... damn it! I'll never find that shucking flashlight...

I begin to give up hope. I shove the rocks I'm buried under off of my stomach. I kneel over my legs, hugging my stomach as I weep uncontrollably. I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die...

I can't possibly think anything else. I'm trapped, I can't see anything, and there's an excellent chance I have a concussion.

Positivity is not at it's high right now. My world has literally crumbled on top of me. Everything I know, my home, my new family, is gone. Minho, Ben, Clint, even Gally. They're all gone.

And worst of all, Newt.

I didn't even tell him I love him before I left-

And then it hits me. All at once my motives are restored. I push onto my knees and feel around for my flashlight again with newfound determination, all from remembering one thing.

The note.

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