Chapter 52

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Kayla's POV

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Kayla's POV

After I ended the call I made my way to the Pub where everyone else was to celebrate. I walked inside and everyone greeted me.

"Kayla!" everyone said and people just started to come up and hug me.All downworlders were here celebrating valentines defeat together. I smiled at everyone. Simon came up to me and hugged me tightly.

"Kayla! you did it ! congrats!" Simon said and I laughed hugging him tightly.

"Heh thanks Simon." I tell him. we release and I go over to where Alec, Izzy, Clary and Jace are.

"Hey guys." I say hugging all of them and going to stand between Alec and Izzy. I give Alec a kiss.

"Hey what did you need to do that you stayed behind." Alec and Izzy both asked and I smiled.

"You will see, just wait." I tell them smirking and they just nod.

We just stand there while Luke pops open a bottle of wine making a popping sound while everyone cheers.

"To the downworld."Luke cheers.

"To the downworld." we all yelled back.

"To the shadow hunters." he yells.

"To the shadow hunters !" 

"You know I really wish max was here." Izzy said to clary and I.

"I know. but the important thing is he is going to be okay Iz." I tell her hugging her.

"Thanks Kayla." she says hugging me back.

" yea he has an amazing family to look out for him, and so do i." clary says and we hug her too.

"It will be nice having another girl around the institute. Give us an advantage over the guys." I say and we all laugh. I excuse myself to go over to Magnus.

"Hey Magnus!" I say hugging him.

"Thanks for healing me." I tell him.

"I'll always do anything for you kay, you know your parents would be incredibly proud of you and everything you've accomplished , and you should be proud." he says and I smile.

"Thanks Magnus, really for everything you've ever done for me, I appreciate everything." I tell him and we hug again.

"So now that everything is over does that mean.." he starts but I smile.

"We'll just have to see." I tell him and he eyes me.

"Something about your smile is suspicious but I will not question it right now. it looks like your husband is looking for you so you better go and go to him." he says and I look back to see Alec looking through everyone. I smile. 

"Alright Magnus, I'll talk to you later but don't leave I have a surprise." I tell him and nods. I make my way back over to Alec. I walk up to him smiling and once he sees me he smiles back. I hug him.

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