Chapter 22

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I make my way down the hall to Lydia's room. I knock on the door and open it and am horrified at the sight.


Kayla's POV

"Lydia!" I yell running over to her. She was on the floor unconscious on what looks like a broken table.

" Lydia please wake up!" I say shaking her tears forming in my eyes.

" Alec!" I yell to him. I turn back to Lydia and check her pulse, she still has one. Alec comes running in.

" whats wrong?" he says looking down at Lydia then at me.

" go get help now !"I tell him and he runs to go get it. I stay there with her.

" Please Lydia be ok, you have to be ok." I say just letting the tears spill. People  come and help take her to the infirmary. I go with them and stay with her to make sure she is ok. Alec says that he's going to get Clary, Jace , and Izzy and go over footage and figure out who did this. I said I would be there in a bit.

After they have helped Lydia, they said she just needs rest right now, her injuries were bad. I nod and just sit there by her bedside. 

" lydia , your going to be just fine, and I am going to find out who did this to you, I promise," I tell her. I get one of the other shadow hunters to stay with her and let me know if anything happens. I then go to find the others. I find them at the computer screens.

" Did you find anything out?" I ask wiping my tears. Izzy comes and hugs me instantly.

" how is Lydia?" she asks.

" she's better, they said she needs lots of rest right now, her injuries were pretty severe, but she's going to pull through.I have one of the shadow hunters watching her for me so where are you at right now, but the cup is definitely missing." I explain to them and she gives me a small smile. Alec comes over to me and wraps his arms around me, and we stand like that.

" So is hodge." Jace says

"Maybe he was attacked too." Izzy says as she starts to rewind the footage.

"Maybe he was the one who attacked her." clary suggests.

" Hodge? no way. We've know him our entire lives. He would never do that to us." Izzy says, but as the video rewinds and is paused, it is clear that hodge is the one that attacked Lydia.

"I led him right to the cup." Jace says, and I don't even know what to say.

" We treated him like family." I finally get out.

"How could he do this to us?" Alec asks

The video shows hodge leaving the office. so Izzy clicks to the video of the room with Jocelyn in it, and thats where hodge is. The video shows hodge putting on a ring.

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