chapter 16

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We head back out to the heart of the institute where Izzy is. I am there talking to her and Alec is checking the monitors when Lydia comes up to us, and I notice men behind her. This can't be good.

Kayla's POV

Lydia looks at Alec then at me.

" I'm sorry Kayla." she says before proceeding.

" Isabelle lightwood , Kayla Branwell by order of the clave you are under arrest for high treason ." she says as the guys come up behind me and Izzy.

"for what? on what grounds" Alec asks her.

" Only a handful of people knew about the meliorn operation." Lydia explains

" and everyone knows she's been sleeping with him, and that her parabati would do anything for her and to spite her sister." Raj says and Me and Izzy chuckle.

" first of all , I didn't do anything and second I wouldn't need to spite my sister , because that would mean I would have to spend time think about her." I say and Izzy laughs more and I turn back to Lydia and Izzy speaks.

" You know what Lydia ? your no better than valentine. But at least he had the guts to tell down worlders to their faces that he wanted them all dead. You.... you hide behind the law." Izzy says to Lydia.

" I dont hide behind the law Isabelle. I simply follow it. Because it guards against one important thing. Shadowhunter's fighting other shadowhunters." Lydia says.

" if they are convicted , they'll be stripped of their runes and banished. I can't let that.." a;ec starts off but Izzy cuts him off.

"don't , it's not your fight." she says handing her stele to Raj and he grabs her arm and leads her off. Im still standing there.

" I can't let you punish Kayla, come on Lydia she is your sister." Alec tries to tell her.

" Alec stop it's no use, Lydia chose her side and I chose mine, you want to know why down worlders trust me so much Lyd. It's because I genuinely care for them just like mom and dad did. I know deep down you know that this isn't right , but like you said your duty is to the clave, well I feel that mine is to protect them, I didn't take part in the ambush Lydia but it's up to you whether you believe your sister or not." I say handing her my stele and the guy grabs my arm and leads me away, but I turn back to Lydia once more.

" Even though, you left Lydia , your still my sister and I do love you. Even when you make stupid decisions like this." I say and then turn back and the guy leads me to the room where they have Izzy.

Alec's POV

I walked around the institute trying to find Lydia.I finally found her in one of the training rooms punching a punching bag. I walk up to her.

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