Chapter 40

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Alec's POV

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Alec's POV

I was walking around the institute making sure everything was running smoothly. It's been a couple of days since everything happened, and you could say things are tense around here. Kayla and Izzy doesn't really speak with Jace and clary. I mean you can't blame them but still. Lydia left two days ago, and Kayla went with her to get things situated over there and just get away for a little bit. She says she's ok but I know deep down she is hurting, but all I can do is support her decisions. She also is always asking how I am feeling but I am fine, I mean I know that sounds bad but like Alison said she can still conceive in the future. Anyways Kayla is in Idris with her sister right now and Izzy has been acting weird, kay wasn't going to go with Lydia because it looked like Isabelle needed her but Izzy pushed her to go saying she needed it. But Izzy has been awol lately, and I don't know why.

"Alec!" I hear someone call my name, I turn around to see Jace coming towards me. I cross my arms.

"What?" I ask him.

"um, I just wanted to see if you heard from Kayla, and when she is coming back, Imogen, wants to talk with her." he says and I scoff.

"Oh she's doing fine Jace thanks for asking, but yes I have spoken with her and she should be coming in later on tonight." I tell him and he nods.

"Look I am sorry."he says.

"Look Jace, I don't want to talk bout this, Kayla and I are trying to move on and forget about what happened just please leave it alone,And don't say anything to her about it." I tell him 

"But Alec you just lost a child, it's not easy to forget that." Jace says.

"It's not like it happened to you or clary so just leave it alone." I tell him before walk away to ops.

Later that night......

Kayla's POV

I just walked through the portal and was now right outside the institute. I grabbed my phone and called Izzy. No answer. Huh weird. I grabbed my bag and took a deep breath and walked inside. I tried to just make it to my room without being seen but around here that is not possible.

"Kayla, your back!" I hear and I turn around and see clary coming over to me. I put on a fake smile.

"heh yea I'm back." I say fixing the bag on my shoulder.

"How was Idris , did Lydia get settled in." she asks.

"Uh, it was nice, and yea Lydia got settled in the night we got there." I told her.

"Thats good, but if she got settled in the first night why did you now just come back?" she asked and I refrained from rolling my eyes and scoffing.

"Uh I just had some business to take care of there, and wanted a break. um do you know where Alec is?" I ask her.

"Kayla, look I am so sorry for what happened, it's my fault and I--" she starts but a voice cuts her off.

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