2.136 "Thanks, Ric"

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On the road. 

We were driving again. yay.

I called Valerie. 

Valerie "How's Stefan?"

I put her on speaker. 

Damon " Well, old Marty's heart's still beating, thanks to the miracle of modern medicine. I'm now sending him to the beautiful Wildwood Motel in a big red truck. Little sirens on the top, white stripe on the side-- you can't miss it."

Valerie "And what about Ambrose? What is taking so long?"

Damon scoffed offended "Hey, I'm out here busting my ass trying to catch this candy shell of a man that you love. You're the one holed up in the motel, eating vending machine crackers, so just give me a break, okay?"

Me "You were busting your ass for what? not even 4 days. So, you don't get the right to complain"

Valerie "Gemini spells usually take two witches, Damon. I'm trying to gather the strength to ensure that I can actually get him back into his own body."

Damon "So you're saying you can't do it??"

Valerie sighed " No, I didn't say that."

Damon " I'm not the kind of guy that likes to live in the middle, Val. You can either do it, or you can't."

Valerie " Everyone I've ever loved in this entire world is gone. Stefan is is a good guy. I'll do whatever I have to do to get it done."

I breathed out relieved .

Damon " Okay. Good. Good. Now, question... Any chance you could spare some of that strength to do a locator spell for Rayna Cruz?"


Damon pulled over and i saw a car parking on the side road. We got out of the car and walked to the other car. the Uber driver was still sitting inside. 

Damon "Well, that doesn't look good."

The driver didn't move an inch. Damon opened the door. 

Me "What the hell happened here?"

Guy "I had a fare. I was taking her to a frat party, and some guy with an accent shot up the car and dragged her away."

I gave the boys a look. 

Damon "You know who did this?

I growled and took my phone out. 

Damon "Adelaide?"

I called Enzo. 

Enzo " Adelaide. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

I growled " The hell are you doing, Enzo? Bring her back."

Enzo "No idea what you're talking about."

Me " I need her, Enzo"

Enzo "and so do i"

Me "and for what? Because I promise you, I need her a lot more than you do."

Enzo "i don't think so"

Me "  We're talking about Stefan, Enzo, who is currently dying, and the fact that Rayna is the only key to his survival--"

Enzo " Well, then I suggest you find another way to save him... Because you're not getting her."

Me "I'm going to murder you-"

He hung up. 

Damon looked at me "And?"

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