2.29 The New Virus

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Next day. 

I sat up and looked around. I was at Whitmore in Caroline's dorm room.

I got out of the bed and looked around " Hello?"

I walked out of the room and through the empty halls. 

No one was here. 

I called out " Hello?"

Then I walked into the main room and saw Caroline standing there.

Caroline smiled "Hey. You're awake."

Me "Caroline.. What are you doing here? Where the hell is everyone?"

Caroline" Everyone's gone. The whole school cleared out for spring break. You've been in and out since you first woke up."

I nodded " Oh. O-O-K. That makes way more sense. I thought I killed everyone "

I was going to walk to her but something blocked my way. 

A barrier. 

I asked confused "What the hell?"

She looked down. 

I raised an eyebrow and warned "Caroline"

Caroline took a deep breath "We had to seal you into the building.. We've got a lot of catching up to do."

I sighed "The last thing I remember, I was running through the woods.. I saw Damon and I threw my arms around him.. and.. then....nothing."

Caroline nodded" Yeah... that was about three weeks ago."

My eyes widened "Three weeks ago?"

She nodded. 

I drove my hand through my hair and sighed " Wow. Three weeks... yet it took just one second for my sister to infect me with some fucked up virus that makes me want to kill my boyfriend and all my friends."

Caroline nodded "Oh yeah. You know Katherine - She's not about to go out without a grand finale."

I put a hand on the barrier " Do you really think this whole lock-down is necessary? I mean, I feel fine, perfect, pissed off."

Caroline" Look.. we shouldn't take any chances. If Damon taught us anything is that the virus makes you want to attack at the mere scent of vampire blood."

Me" Well, how did you..."

I nodded at my hand that was on the barrier. 

Caroline" Liv..."

I raised my eyebrows " who?"

Caroline"She's a new witch. Bonnie's been teaching her some spells. Look, I know this is a lot to process, but just know that Stefan's out, looking for the antidote and in the mean time, we've figured out how to ration blood to keep you satisfied. "

I sighed. 

Caroline "We're going to figure this out, okay?"

I took a deep breath and crossed my arms over my chest "I wanna to talk to Stefan. "

Caroline "your phone's on the table. I gotta go. Stefan probably needs my help. Elena's going to come over and look after you"

I nodded. She walked away and i walked to the table. I grabbed the phone and tried to unlock it. Didn't work. I tried again but failed. I sighed.

Katherine had my phone this whole time. Meaning she changed the password. 

I tried again and it worked. I called Stefan. Voice mail.

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