2.95 "Ric's Babies"

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Caroline, Valerie and i walked to my car. 

Valerie's car was parked behind mine.

Caroline sighed " I'm fine."

Valerie gave her a look "You're not really the one that I'm worried about."

Caroline rolled her eyes and scoffed frustrated "Ugh! Isn't it possible that "Kill the psycho" and "Save the babies" just sound similar in Witch-Latin? Not to mention that you've been out of their loop for, like, one hundred years..."

Valerie looked hurt " One thousand years could pass-- I would never forget that spell. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about those words."

Caroline asked confused "Why do you know so much about this?"

Valerie scoffed " Like any of you care. I mean, it's not like you believe anything I say."

Caroline " we're willing to believe you, okay?"

Valerie looked surprised. 

Caroline " I need you to be 100 percent honest with me, please. How do you know so much about this spell?"

Valerie "Because I've used it."

My jaw dropped and so did Caroline's.

Valerie "I was pregnant before I turned. Julian knew that if Lily found out, it would ruin his plans with her. She would want to return to Mystic Falls instead. So, he promptly ended it. But I did everything in my power to save the life inside me. I didn't have an entire coven to work with... It was just me. Hard as I tried, I wasn't strong enough."

Caroline " But why would you having a baby make Lily want to come home to Mystic Falls?"

Valerie's eyes started to tear up.

Caroline "oh. That's the big secret that you have with Stefan."

I held the tears back " The baby was his?"

Valerie nodded at me  "Our story may have ended in tragedy, but you have a chance to see that your friend Alaric doesn't."

Caroline sighed "Valerie, the test was negative."

Valerie " Test again."

At the hospital. Night.

Caroline, Alaric and i were in an exam room, where an OB/GYN was performing an ultrasound on Caroline.

GYN " How far along are you?"

Caroline looked at Ric alarmed.

Ric " Uh, I'm not really sure how to answer that."

The GYN smiled "Okay. Let's see what we can see."

Caroline took a deep breath as the doctor moved the ultrasound wand over Caroline's abdomen. 

The GYN frowned "And you're sure you're pregnant?"

Caroline "Why? What's wrong?"

GYN" Well, I'm not seeing one baby, let alone two."

Me " And you're absolutely sure?"

GYN" Twins would be hard to miss. I'm not hearing any heartbeats either."

Caroline and Ric looked disappointed.

GYN" I'm not hearing any heartbeats, either. I'm sorry if you were informed otherwise. I'll give you some time alone."

The doc left.

Caroline "I'm so sorry."

Ric shook his head " No, I'm sorry... that I've been so desperate to believe this was actually possible. I, uh... I, um... I'm really sorry that I put you through all this."

Caroline " Honestly? For a second there, I believed it, too."

I hugged Ric's side.

Valerie walked into the room.

Valerie " I, um, saw the doctor leave."

Caroline"She just told us you were wrong."

Valerie gave Caroline a tiny smile "Are you sure about that?"

She put her hand on Caroline's stomach, and it started to glow red as she siphoned away magic. 

Caroline's eyes widened "What are you doing?"

She whispered "Oh, my God."

She looks at Alaric for a moment before she quickly grabbed the ultrasound wand and put it back on her stomach. Ric and i frowned confused.

Ric" ...I'm not sure you're qualified to use that..."

Valerie "Just let her.You know, it never made any sense to me. The spell pointed directly at you, but the tests came up negative. And then, it hit me-- I cloaked you from Beau to protect you. Alaric's babies are the future of the coven. They would have protected them in any way they could."

Ric's eyes widened " Wait, wait-- how is this all possible?"

Valerie smiled at the screen " They were cloaked."

My eyes widened when i saw two babies on the screen. 

I'm going to be an aunt.

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