2.98 Lily Salvatore

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Stefan and i walked hand in hand to Lily was was standing on the illuminated patio on the waterfront when Stefan approaches her.

Stefan "Damon's tying up Julian right now."

He held up a small vial with Julian's blood" I, uh, got his blood."

Lily took a deep breath. 

I could see she was relieved but sad.

Lily "Good. They're waiting for it in the greenhouse."

Stefan looked at her for a moment.

I whispered to him "We should head back inside"

Stefan nodded and we turned around to leave.

Lily  " I chose Julian over everything."

We turned around. She was looking down.

Stefan" Yeah, but now he's gonna die, and you can start over without him."

Lily shook her head"It's too late, and so much has already been lost."

Stefan "You haven't lost me."

I looked at him surprised.

Lily "Really?"

Stefan "Uh... I guess, uh... Willingness to forgive the unforgivable is in my genetics."

Lily nodded "Mmhmm. And unfortunately, Damon... Doesn't feel the same way about forgiveness."

Stefan sighed " Look, you were the first woman to break his heart. He's put up a wall ever since, but... you can take it down."

Lily shook her head"No. He's gone. I saw it in his eyes. He... he wishes me dead."

Stefan chuckled "Do you think that I haven't seen that look before? Damon has been practicing that look on me for the last 150 years."

Lily "Well, then maybe you could offer your mother a little advice in return. How do I get him back?"

Stefan " Time."

And alcohol.

Lily smiled at him and then walked away.

I sighed and turned to Stefan "Say it"

Stefan "Caroline's pregnant with Alaric's babies"

I nodded "mhmm"

Stefan asked confused "how is that even possible?"

I shook my head "i don't know. no one really does. I don't think anyone has the answer to that"

Stefan "Why didn't you tell me?"

Me "Have you already forgotten last night, Stefan? Besides, it wasn't on me to tell you"

Stefan "So it's true"

I nodded smiled "i am going to be an aunt"

Stefan "you're already an aunt"

Me "Nadia is dead,Stefan. I have a chance to start over. I'm going to be a cool aunt"

Stefan "Aunt Adelaide. I like how that sounds"

Me "uncle Stefan sounds pretty good too"

I put my arms around his neck "you're gonna have to apologize to her, Stefan, you weren't exactly a best friend to her when she told you the news"

Stefan "i was shocked, Adelaide, you can't blame"

I shook my head "i'm not blaming you or anything but you're still on the "bad" pile because you disappeared that summer, remember?"

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