2.99 Dead Santas

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Chicago, Illinois, three years later.

Stefan and i were in a motel. I was sitting on the bed while he was packing another bag. 

Me"You've been acting weird all day, Stefan, what is going on?"

He didn't answer.

Me "Stefan, what the hell aren't you telling me?"

Stefan "She has Damon and Caroline"

My eyes widened shocked "What? How?"

Stefan shook his head "i don't know but i have to get them out"

I nodded, standing up.

Stefan looked at me "and you are staying here"

I shook my head " hell, no"

Stefan nodded "yes"

I shook my head "you're not going alone"

Stefan peeked out through the closed blinds over the window. 

He sighed and turned to me "She has Damon and Caroline. I'm not ging to risk your life too"

I sighed "she wants you, Stefan, you"

Stefan threw vervain bombs into his bag " Well, then she's gonna get me."

Me "You burned your Porsche, Stefan"

Stefan "Then i'll steal a car"

I walked over to him " I'm coming with you."

Stefan shook his head "No, you're not."

Me " Stefan."

Stefan " She already has two people that I care about. I am not going to lose you"

He sighed and put a hand on my cheek" I'm not gonna let her have a third, okay?"

I put my hands on his chest and sighed "I'm 500 years old, Stefan, i can help you"

Stefan sighed "We already talked about this"

I begged "You need me, Stefan"

Stefan "i need you alive"

Me "And i need you alive. I already lost Damon, Stefan, i'm not going to lose you"

Stefan took a deep breath. 

I felt tears coming up in my eyes "You know what happened the last time you died, Stefan, you saw me. I wouldn't survive your next death"

Present day. Weeks after Lily's death.

 Weeks after Lily's death

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